Philemon Papp


All Time

Total Posts: 23
Total Threads: 13
Total Words: 9227
Longest Post: 1370 words
Longest Thread: 24 posts

All Posts by Philemon Papp

SA3: Getting some business out of the way written by on Quidditch Pitch (279 words)
SA3: I make an exceptional Igor written by on Cascade Hall (360 words)
SA2: Fools rush in apparently. written by on Hospital Wing (471 words)
SA2: There's a storm a'brewin'! written by on Hospital Wing (1370 words)
SA2: He has fur and potentially could huff and puff. written by on Hospital Wing (259 words)
SA2: That's it; the crup's gotta go. written by on Hospital Wing (461 words)
SA2: Dirt and a fur filled beast. . . oh joy. written by on Hospital Wing (360 words)
SA2: *Stomps foot* But I'm a nice person! written by on Hospital Wing (317 words)
SA2: Kids...they're such optimists. *that means you, Miss Kerova written by on Labyrinth Gardens (475 words)
SA2: And time to hand out the detentions... written by on Hospital Wing (501 words)
SA2: Isn't that a comment all on its own? written by on Hospital Wing (294 words)
SA2: A note for Prof. Connell promised therein. written by on Hospital Wing (559 words)
SA2: Ah, yes, I had forgotten about that part. written by on Hospital Wing (288 words)
SA2: Thankfully, I only ever ask myself. Ha ha ha! written by on Hospital Wing (308 words)
SA2: I hear Bermuda's rather nice, myself. written by on Hospital Wing (289 words)
SA2: How about I turn your teeth pink? Play fair then? written by on Hospital Wing (367 words)
SA2: Well, that's no fun. (Or fair.) *grumble* written by on Hospital Wing (436 words)
SA2: But <i>dirt</i> certainly isn't. written by on Hospital Wing (433 words)
SA2: The Medic requires his <i>clean</i> space back. written by on Hospital Wing (270 words)
SA2: Not so fast there, partner written by on Hospital Wing (225 words)
SA2: Won't take a second written by on Hospital Wing (339 words)
SA2: Oh goodie, a patient! written by on Hospital Wing (194 words)
SA2: Plants are nice, when not covered in pollen written by on Labyrinth Gardens (318 words)
SA2: Mediwizard- reporting for duty written by on Hospital Wing (165 words)
SA1: Hallucinations are worrisome written by on Hospital Wing (160 words)
SA1: Quite the introduction written by on Hospital Wing (248 words)