Philemon Papp

April 03, 2005 11:26 AM

Mediwizard- reporting for duty by Philemon Papp

The air stung his nostrils, but in a pleasant, finely cleaned sort of way. The counters shone, the floor glistened, even the ceiling sparkled in that remarkably magic given sort of splendor. Indeed, Sonora Academy's Hospital Wing beckoned, in all its stately glory, the eventual arrival of skinned knees, hormone driven curses, and the usual botched potions. That particular thought served to dampen his mood, but Philemon Papp refused to be kowtowed.

This was his sanctum, his castle, his strong hold, his bridge of-


Philemon sniffled inelegantly and whipped out a handkerchief. Really now, his allergies were getting out of hand. Damned dust. Staring down critically at the widespread room's expanse, he searched for the afflicting matter. Unable to pinpoint the offending dust's origin, he ran over another quick cleaning spell.

Satisfied, Philemon settled back into his thoroughly charmed chair's waiting back. With his wand still grasped, he grinned and waited. He was 22 years old, employed, and away from his mother. Life at Sonora was indeed good.
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