Josephine Clyde

April 11, 2020 8:26 PM

I've got oodles of questions! (tag Sophia) by Josephine Clyde

A disservice? Was it? Well, she supposed it was. Right? Yes, yes, it was. Josie felt her eyebrows knit themselves together as she thought about it. When she saw the other students, specifically the other half-bloods, who’d gotten to grow up with magical childhoods, it made her insanely jealous. Her face grew warm, but she wasn’t sure if it was anger plus embarrassment at her father or if it was just because her head hurt. She didn’t want to think about it right now, it always made her head hurt, so she decided to just nod along with Sophia’s words. The older girl was right, but Josie didn’t think she could talk about it just yet. She rubbed a cold hand against her forehead and nodded again as she followed Sophia out of the common room.

These headaches had started suddenly and Josie wasn’t sure what to do about them. They didn’t make her feel sick and she wasn’t ill or anything. Maybe she’d go home at the next holiday and ask her father what the problem was. Josie could vaguely remember her mother complaining about headaches and taking medicine for it. She’d have to ask if there was any headache medicine she could have when she went back to visit. Or maybe Professor Grayson would know about something she could do. If things got truly bad there was always the Hospital Wing she’d heard about somewhere on campus. Hopefully it was nothing. Probably just her brain being too overwhelmed with all the magic and wonder of Sonora. They’d go away after she got more used to Sonora and talking to Sophia would definitely help with that!

Breakfast in the Cascade Hall was always bright and smelled delicious. Josie wandered over to a random spot at the Aladren table and sat down, hopefully Sophia would sit next to her. She didn't like talking across the wide tables. It made conversations a little bit louder and a lot harder to hear when everyone else was doing the same thing.

“Thanks for being so nice! I have two step-brothers at home and they’re both teenagers and they’re both…um…not very nice to me? But they’re non-magical, so I guess it makes sense. What about you? Do you have any family at Sonora?”
44 Josephine Clyde I've got oodles of questions! (tag Sophia) 1477 1 5

Sophia Priory

April 14, 2020 11:58 AM

Hopefully, I have answers by Sophia Priory

As they walked down to the Cascade Hall, Sophia's own words echoed in her head and she felt a little bit bad. "Hey, when I said your dad was wrong for keeping you in the dark, I wasn't trying to insult you -. And I'm sure your dad is a good person and has other good qualities, I just don't happen to agree with him in this instance." Sometimes, people could be touchy when you insulted their relatives. Like, for example, Bridget got defensive when you suggested that her father was not good a parent. You could get away with calling him an alcoholic because that was factual but she was very quick to point out that he was not abusive. Of course, the Teppenpaw was generally sort of defensive about the set-up of her family in general.

And Sophia herself didn't like people insulting Bridget. Or insisting that her family in general were bad people because they were rich powerful purebloods.

Of course, now Josie was saying something else that bothered the Aladren a great deal."It's no problem. I'm sorry about your brothers, sometimes siblings fight and get on each other's nerves. My brother and I get on good, but my little sister drives me crazy sometimes." Lydia was whiny and needy, though it wasn't completely her fault really. She had been babied her entire life and still was. While Sophia's parents definitely loved all three of them, Lydia was definitely coddled more than Sophia or Connor due to being a preemie and the baby of the family. Her parents treated Lydia like she was a fragile little thing, so she'd become a fragile little thing. "And my cousins just plain hate each other."

However, the fact that Josie thought it was okay for her brothers to be mean to her because she was magical and they weren't was awful. People often thought purebloods were terrible for not...being nice to non-purebloods or wanting anything to do with anything Muggle but then there were people who thought magical people were inherently evil and demonic and why was that okay? Or maybe her brothers were simply jealous "They should not be mean to you for being magical though." Honestly, this was why the Statute of Secrecy was necessary, because there were Muggles who thought that way. "Anything else you want to know?"
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