Samara Crosby

Written By: Allegra Brockert

Samara Crosby

Character Information

Age: 15
Gender: Female
Face Claim: Kate Godfrey

Student Demographics

Year 5
House: Crotalus


SA 44

Total Posts: 0
Total Threads: 0
Total Words:
Longest Post: words
Longest Thread: posts

All Time

Total Posts: 22
Total Threads: 11
Total Words: 17004
Longest Post: 1540 words
Longest Thread: 8 posts

Most Recent Post: on Jan 01, 0001

Physical Description

Samara has long brown hair that is straight and unlike her mother’s frizzy mess. She has blue eyes and is of average height and weight. She has very straight white teeth that really show when she smiles. Samara does not care much about clothing and fashion though she does like to be comfortable. She’s usually able to because her mother resents the idea of having certain types of clothing forced on people because they happen to be “fashionable” or “appropriate”. However, Samara does have to dress appropriately when the situation calls for it at which point there’s a lot of resentful grumbling from her mother about the situation. She’s not all that bent out of shape about having to wear robes, because it means she doesn’t have to worry about what is appropriate for the situation and can put on something comfortable under them, which nobody can criticize because they can’t see.


Samara is the daughter of Martin Crosby IV and Tawny Crosby nee Brockert, a Pecari alumna. She has one older brother named Martin Crosby V, a Crotalus alumna. She has always been pretty loved by them which is probably why she’s a happier, nicer person than they are. Tawny, who hates almost everyone on the planet, absolutely loves her children and is a bit of a Mama Bear. She’s also sort of that parent who will give people grief for anything she perceives as mistreatment of her children. On the other hand, Samara has grown up hearing her mom’s angry rants about various people which has made her very careful not to upset her, because she doesn’t want to be on the receiving end of one of those or be the sort of person her mother doesn’t like, which is very difficult given that her mother dislikes most types of people.

On her mom’s side, Samara has two aunts, one of whom is actually her grandfather’s child from his first marriage. That is her aunt Melora, who is married to Isaac DuBois and has a daughter named Natasha (Tasha) who is an Aladren alumna like her mother. These are people that Samara is free to like given that her mother does not seem to hate them. Her other aunt, Tawny’s full sister, Pippa and her family are another story. Tawny has never liked Pippa a bit so Samara is not supposed to either and that extends to her cousins Hannah and Caleb, the latter of whom is a year older than Samara.

In fact, Pippa’s daughter Hannah is a year younger than Samara’s brother Martin. Which of course, meant that Pippa was pregnant at the same time Tawny was, which Tawny perceived as “stealing her thunder.” So, when Pippa got pregnant with Caleb, Tawny purposely got pregnant for “revenge”. Considering that situation, Samara is lucky that her mom treats her as well as she does.

Anyway, Samara is not supposed to like Aunt Pippa, Uncle Justin, Hannah or Caleb, although she’s not sure she does because she doesn’t really spend all that much time with them.

Then there are Samara’s maternal grandparents, Adrian and Claudia Brockert. She’s even less sure about what to do with them than she is Aunt Melora and her family. Mother seems to resent them and often tells Samara and her older brother that they will always prefer Pippa’s children. And then there are Claudia’s parents, Fletcher and Gloria Royce. Fletcher is awesome and amazing and one of the few people Tawny actually likes so Samara is free to love him unconditionally and probably should. Or else. Fortunately, he is as kind and loving to her as he always was to her mother. Since her mother likes him so much, Samara tries to use him as a role model.

On the other hand, Gloria is an absolutely insufferable monster. Mother hates her and Samara understands why.

Other relatively close family members on her mother’s side include Adrian’s parents Ezra and Cecilia and his siblings Margo and Reuben. Margo’s partner is Sandra and Reuben is married to Meredith. Reuben and Meredith have a son named Angus who is married to Whitney. Angus and Whitney have two children, Duncan and Juniper, both of whom are Teppenpaw alumni. Duncan is married to Araceli Arbon, a Crotalus alumna. Samara is free to like most of these people except for Whitney who Tawny thinks is a total ***** (and she’s right about that too)

Her father’s side is a bit less dramatic but no less complex. Martin Crosby VI is the son of Martin Crosby III and his wife. Martin IV has a younger brother Marcus. Marcus, a former Teppenpaw, is married to Melanie Lennox, also a Teppenpaw alumni, and they have five children, Nadia, who is six, Dylan, who is three, and baby triplets named Adelaide, Spencer and Marigold. Tawny seems to dislike Melanie, who reminds her of Pippa, but Samara secretly really likes her. Melanie is also a distant cousin of Tawny’s.

Samara’s grandfather Martin III is the son of Martin II and Veronika Crosby, and has three siblings John, Jamie and Lilac. John and his wife have a daughter named Catherine who is married to someone. Jamie’s first marriage was to Ross Manger, and she had three children with him, Sally, an Aladren alumna who is publicly married to Gideon Atwood but secretly to a muggle named Braxton, Arnold, an Aladren alum, who has a daughter named Violet with his ex-girlfriend Trinity Calhoun, and Jake, a Teppenpaw alum who is married to Ginger Pierce, also a Teppenpaw alum. Jake and Ginger have a son named Aiden. Jamie’s second marriage was to Jeffrey O’Malley, who had two of his own children from a previous marriage, Ryan and Carrie, both Crotalus alumni. Jamie and Jeffrey had a daughter named Peyton, another Crotalus alumna who is married to Connor Priory, also a Crotalus and also a distant relative of Tawny’s.

Lilac is married to Jeffrey’s former brother-in-law, Seth Brockert, yet another of Tawny’s distant relations. Lilac and Seth have three children, Ivy, Vlad and Lavender. Ivy and Vlad were both Teppenpaws and Lavender is a sixth year Crotalus.