Xarryn Bavol

Written By: Nathan

Xarryn Bavol

Character Information

Age: 15
Gender: Male
Face Claim: Stock Photo

Student Demographics

Year 5
House: Pecari
Badge(s): Prefect


SA 44

Total Posts: 2
Total Threads: 1
Total Words: 727
Longest Post: 380 words
Longest Thread: 4 posts

All Time

Total Posts: 29
Total Threads: 25
Total Words: 12233
Longest Post: 880 words
Longest Thread: 5 posts

Physical Description

Xarryn is deeply tanned with blond sun-bleached hair that is cut unevenly. His eyes are blue and he smiles a lot. His clothes are water stained, worn hard, and faded. His hands are calloused and so are his feet because he tends to go barefoot. He often bears minor injures like a cut on his arm or a scrape on his knees from climbing or roughhousing.

Preferred Classroom Seating Selection: Back of the room


Xarryn is a sunny kid, usually cheerful and friendly, and up for trying anything. He has an optimistic view of the world and believes in the best of people. He loves meeting new people and seeing new places. He hasn't met a lot of kids his own age, so he is very excited to get to go to school, but this isn't saying a lot as Xarryn is always excited to do just about everything that isn't swabbing the deck or fixing the ropes or practicing his reading lessons. He's very active and much prefers practical learning to theoretical and book work.


Xarryn is the only son of Captain Camden Bavol, a wizard sea captain. His mom is a muggle bartender who lives in California, but Dad has custody and Xarryn doesn't see her much. Xarryn has lived the majority of his life on his dad's tall ship, The Wind Harness, which sails from island to island, country to country. They are technically in the cruise business, taking passengers across the high seas like in the old days, but it's not a relaxing trip for the faint of heart. It's a pirate adventure!

Even the guests need to help hoist the sails and perform chores and take turns on watch, usually accompanied by one of the more experienced sailors. They also learn to sword fight, and that's Xarryn's favorite part of the day. When they cross paths with another ship from the Windy Isle Fleet, the two cruise ships pretend to fire cannons at each other, with great crashing sound effects and bright flares, and then boarding ramps are laid between the ships and a pirate raid is on! Both sides think they are the pirates, but Xarryn is sure the Harness does the best job of being piratey. Xarryn gets to wear an eyepatch and everything! Plus they have one of the highest win percentages in the fleet! Dad gets a bonus for that almost every year.

The swords are, of course, charmed so that nobody is actually hurt, but a solid 'stab' will 'kill', and the side with the fewest 'casualties' is declared the winner and gets to haul a treasure chest from the loser ship to the winner ship. Each guest on the winning ship gets one of the gold doubloons as a souvenir. Xarryn gets one, too, when the Harness wins, and he has quite the collection by now. He's quite proud of it.

He has not had a lot of formal schooling. He can read (but doesn't like to) and write (but not neatly) and do basic math, but he doesn't know a whole lot of history beyond what is in their cruise dialogues, and he has some holes in what some people would consider common knowledge. He's great at coastal geography and astronomy, though.