Lyla Holland

Written By: GlidewellDear

Lyla Holland

Character Information

Age: 15
Birthday: August 27
Gender: Female
Face Claim: Emmy Rossum

Student Demographics

Year 5
House: Crotalus
Badge(s): Prefect
Best Class: Herbology


SA 44

Total Posts: 3
Total Threads: 2
Total Words: 1589
Longest Post: 932 words
Longest Thread: 4 posts

All Time

Total Posts: 64
Total Threads: 29
Total Words: 23779
Longest Post: 1073 words
Longest Thread: 12 posts

Most Recent Post: Arts and crafts and friends on Jul 06, 2024

Physical Description

Lyla Holland stared into the mirror. It was her own tradition, every morning on her birthday, she got up and looked to see how she'd changed the past year. She kept this information catalogued carefully in her purple-glitter diary. She'd cut her hair since last year, the mousy brown curls that had cascaded down her back now bounced as though they defied gravity by her chin. Her eyes were the same as always, though not the same as each other. It was close enough you wouldn't notice if you weren't staring, but one was brown with green flecks, and the other was green with brown flecks. It was her favorite party trick, asking people to look at her eyes. Lyla wrinkled her nose as she noticed the smattering of freckles across it. Her mother had warned her to wear sunscreen all summer, but Lyla always seemed to forget on her rush out the door to her treehouse. Lyla closed the diary, and started to dress for the special day. Remembering something suddenly, she got her head stuck in the wrong hole of her shirt. "Argh!" she complained, fixing her mistake. She reopened her diary and jotted down quickly, -Growth spurt- 1/2 inch. She shoved her diary back under her pillow just as she heard her mother call her down for breakfast.


Lyla feels like a bit of a wallflower, and doesn’t necessarily feel as though she fits in with either muggles or magical folk. She is a daydreamer, constantly craving new stories to explore. She's highly empathetic, though she's got a blind spot where her annoying little sister gets on her nerves more than Lyla cares about her feelings.

Family & Friends

Russell Holland (Father); Wendy Holland (Mother); Lena Holland (Sister); Ryan Stonehurst (Uncle); Astrid Stonehurst nèe Minuette (Aunt); Kerri Stonehurst (Cousin)