Leviosa Scurlock

Written By: Rhy

Leviosa Scurlock

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Face Claim: Elizabeth Dormer-Phillips

Student Demographics

Year 6
House: Teppenpaw


SA 44

Total Posts: 1
Total Threads: 1
Total Words: 200
Longest Post: 200 words
Longest Thread: 3 posts

All Time

Total Posts: 40
Total Threads: 26
Total Words: 16594
Longest Post: 1012 words
Longest Thread: 9 posts

Most Recent Post: How did that happen? on Jun 07, 2024

Physical Description

Levi has blue eyes and brown hair, which would be less interesting than her sister’s brilliant black locks, but for the fact that her curls are far more defined. This is something Verdillia cares about a lot, which has always made Levi rather happy about her own hair, even if it tends to be a little bit wild sometimes. She is usually dressed very prettily by her mother, although she doesn’t much care. She is more attracted to sentiment than style with clothing, and hates growing out of old favourites or being told they’re too worn to wear. She loves big snuggly sweaters, especially if they have zany patterns on, and will absolutely wear anything hand-knitted that her grandparents make for her.