Lydia Priory

Written By: Allegra Brockert

Lydia Priory

Character Information

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Face Claim: Gemma Ward

Student Demographics

Alumnus (SA37 - SA43)
House: Teppenpaw


SA 44

Total Posts: 0
Total Threads: 0
Total Words:
Longest Post: words
Longest Thread: posts

All Time

Total Posts: 33
Total Threads: 20
Total Words: 23458
Longest Post: 1673 words
Longest Thread: 9 posts

Most Recent Post: on Jan 01, 0001

Physical Description

Lydia is small, fragile looking girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She is very skinny and tends to be quite pale as she is not really a fan of playing outside much given that she tends to burn easily and doesn't like many outdoor activities to begin with. Until recently, Lydia dressed in clothing that some would call "babyish" but Sophia pointed out to their mother that maybe she should dress a little more age or people might make fun of her and now she dresses in a way more typical of eleven year old pureblood girls.