Bridget Ferguson

Written By: Allegra Brockert

Bridget Ferguson

Character Information

Age: 23
Birthday: December 26
Gender: Female
Face Claim: Andra Nechita

Student Demographics

Alumnus (SA32 - SA38)
House: Teppenpaw
Best Class: Transfiguration and Potions


SA 44

Total Posts: 0
Total Threads: 0
Total Words:
Longest Post: words
Longest Thread: posts

All Time

Total Posts: 38
Total Threads: 23
Total Words: 20062
Longest Post: 1112 words
Longest Thread: 11 posts

Most Recent Post: on Jan 01, 0001

Physical Description

Bridget has long brown hair that is slightly curled at the bottom and usually parted slightly left of center. She has light blue eyes and moderately full lips. Her face is fairly slender as is the rest of her. Bridget's eyebrows are thick but not so thick that they look like caterpillars. She has chiseled cheekbones and a slightly prominent chin. Her nose is regular and non-distinctive.