Hilda Hexenmeister

Written By: Nathan

Hilda Hexenmeister

Character Information

Age: 23
Gender: Female
Face Claim: Catharina-Amalia, Princess of Orange

Student Demographics

Alumnus (SA32 - SA38)
House: Pecari
Badge(s): Head Student & Prefect
Best Class: Potions


SA 44

Total Posts: 0
Total Threads: 0
Total Words:
Longest Post: words
Longest Thread: posts

All Time

Total Posts: 97
Total Threads: 59
Total Words: 41987
Longest Post: 1434 words
Longest Thread: 16 posts

Most Recent Post: on Jan 01, 0001

Physical Description

Hilda is not a small girl in any dimension. She is tall. She is large boned. She has good sized muscles on those bones. She also stands in an assertive way that claims her space and all nearby space as her own. This is a girl who looks like a beater, in both physical mass and attitude. There is nothing passive or dainty about her.

She dresses in practical clothes, having no patience for frippery and her blond hair, while allowed to grow long, is lucky it gets brushed on a daily basis. For Quidditch and potions, she’ll tie it back, but only so it doesn’t get in her way.

Important Character Threads

Hilda and Johanna Leonie Meet
First year orientation to a turn for the better when Hilda met someone who spoke her language


Hilda is the the second of three children born to The Hexenmeister Assassins. She was nine when they were arrested in their home in Germany then shipped to the custody of her paternal uncle, Karl Hexenmeister, who lives in the badlands of Utah.

Family & Friends

Hilda’s older brother Heinrich was an Aladren two years ahead of her.
Hilda’s younger brother Hansel is a Teppenpaw, five years behind her.
Hilda’s uncle Karl lives in Utah and raises snakes for a living.
Hilda’s parents are in a European wizarding prison for life because they went into assassination as a career.

Her best friend is Johana Leonie Zauberhexen, who has the good sense to speak German.
Jessica Hayles and Sophia Priory rose up to friendship levels when they shared the Deutsch tent with her and Johana Leonie at the Bonfire in their second year.
Evelyn Stones gets an honorable mentions for being her brother’s only friend and trying to learn German.

Highlights from Sonora

She arrived expecting a miserable 7 years surrounded by the bane of her existence: the English language. She was pleasantly surprised to meet German speaking Johana Leonie as her very first social interaction at the First Year Orientation, and her Sonora outlook improved dramatically after that. She still hated English though.

Between her first and second years, she visited Johana Leonie in Germany with her uncle and little brother. Being surrounded by German speakers did not fix the issues in her life and she began to accept that English was not the root of all her problems.

In second year, English was still a struggle, but she was actually trying now. She recruited a portrait of a German professor named Professor Schmitt to do her translating during two of the three challenges hosted by the school this year. Also, Jessica and Evelyn are both learning German, sort of, and she deeply respects this. Also, Evelyn and Heinrich might have a Thing, and Hilda is not sure how she feels about this.