Mary Brooding

Written By: Turtle

Mary Brooding-Hawthorne

Character Information

Preferred Name: Mary Brooding-Hawthorne
Age: 41
Birthday: August 19
Gender: Female
Wand: Holly with Unicorn Hair
Face Claim: Amber Rose Revah

Staff Demographics

Position: Potions
Years Employed: SA31 - Present


SA 44

Total Posts: 0
Total Threads: 0
Total Words:
Longest Post: words
Longest Thread: posts

All Time

Total Posts: 359
Total Threads: 139
Total Words: 166901
Longest Post: 1345 words
Longest Thread: 148 posts

Most Recent Post: on Jan 01, 0001

Physical Description

With curly black hair only recently cropped short (only to reveal it had more brown in it than she realized!), Mary is always excited to try new things. She is most often found under an oversized, crooked hat, and buttoned robes. She has bronze skin and dark brown eyes, with narrow features. A smattering of freckles coat her nose, the tops of her cheeks, and the top of her forehead, proof that her time alone in the sun does often include hatless recreation. Mary smiles often, and her nose wrinkles up when she does, as though every smile is just the start of laughter.

Important Character Threads

Breakfast with Tabitha in Cascade Hall
Mary and Tabitha made up after an argument, and Mary asked Tabitha on their first date.

Family & Friends

Tabitha - wife

Zeus - adopted son

Dorian - sweet squishy student

Michelle - deceased ex-girlfriend

Parker - deceased brother

Parents - deceased

Highlights from Sonora

Mary and Tabitha met and were engaged early, at the end of SA31, and married over the Christmas break of SA32. Over the summer between SA34 and SA35, they adopted a little boy that neither of them meant to adopt.