Heinrich Hexenmeister

Written By: Nathan

Heinrich Hexenmeister

Character Information

Age: 25
Birthday: August 28
Gender: Male
Face Claim: Kenton Duty

Student Demographics

Alumnus (SA30 - SA36)
House: Aladren
Badge(s): Prefect
Best Class: DADA


SA 44

Total Posts: 0
Total Threads: 0
Total Words:
Longest Post: words
Longest Thread: posts

All Time

Total Posts: 169
Total Threads: 92
Total Words: 89021
Longest Post: 1473 words
Longest Thread: 15 posts

Most Recent Post: on Jan 01, 0001

Physical Description

Heinrich is tall for his age, slender, and blond. He has light blue eyes. He has freckles and a gap between his front teeth that his mediwizard swears will close together more as he gets older. He’s pretty fit, as he enjoys running, but he’s not especially strong. He dresses in conservative wizarding fashion, favoring dark colors.


Heinrich is very lawful good. He is horrified that his parents were dark wizards, and is doing everything in his power to make sure he never goes down that road. He is very loyal to his friends and wishes to help as many people as he possibly can. He is not very good with expressing his emotions or connecting with new people.

Important Character Threads

SA30.1: Orientation
Heinrich arrives at Sonora
SA30.2: Sorting
Heinrich becomes an Aladren
SA31.1: Second Year
Heinrich returns as the son of convicted assassins
SA31.2: DADA Class
Heinrich meets Evelyn for the very first time.
SA32.1: On Fear
Heinrich shares his secret for the first time, in an essay, to Professor Hawthorne
SA32.2: Good Wolves and Bad Wolves
Professor Brooding shares Good and Bad Wolf philosophy with Heinrich
SA32.3: Feeding the Good Wolves
Heinrich shares Good and Bad Wolf philosophy with Evelyn
SA33.1: Reconnecting with Evelyn
Heinrich and Evelyn strengthen their friendship
SA33.2: The Bonfire
Heinrich Tells Evelyn Everything
SA34.1: Heinrich gets Prefect
He chats with a first year like a responsible prefect and only freaks out a little
SA34.2: The friend of my friend is not my enemy
Heinrich tries to make nice with Ness
SA34.3: Heinrich is absolutely not a werewolf
Heinrich and Cleo have a misunderstanding
SA34.4: Tumbleweed Trip
Heinrich and Evelyn arrange Ball plans
SA34.5: The Ball
Heinrich and Evelyn do the prefect dance
SA34.6: Summer Vacation
Heinrich meets Mathias and CJ at the Stones house
SA35.1: The Cliffs of Insanity
Heinrich learns all of Evelyn's secrets and definitely does not propose


He grew up in Zauberstadt (literally, Wizard City, though it was more like a sizable village than a real city), a pretty large wizarding settlement in Germany. His family had a cottage on the outskirts, right near where it met a dark old-growth forest. They had a duck pond in their back yard with about a dozen ducks living in it. His mom enjoyed gardening and had a pretty flower garden near the pond, but that was strictly off-limits to the children. It was pretty idyllic, really.

Until the Aurors came and arrested Heinrich's parents for the practice of dark magic and multiple counts of murder.

After that, the Hexenmeister children were shipped off to their uncle who had moved to Utah before Heinrich was even born. They'd never met Karl Hexenmeister before, but now he had custody of them while the Hex Master Assassins (as the media had taken to calling them) were the big Trial of the Century in European news. Heinrich started at Sonora just a few weeks after coming to America, barely speaking English, and terrified someone would realize he was the eldest son of the Hex Master Assassins.

Family & Friends

Sister: Hilda Hexenmeister, 2 years younger
Brother: Hansel Hexenmeister, 7 years younger
Uncle: Karl Hexenmeister, legal guardian

Friend: Evelyn Stones