Julian Babineaux


All Time

Total Posts: 6
Total Threads: 2
Total Words: 1662
Longest Post: 469 words
Longest Thread: 7 posts

All Posts by Julian Babineaux

SA19: I think we'll have to taste it and see written by on Charms (201 words)
SA19: Finding it hard to focus... written by on Charms (261 words)
SA18: Nothing like a bit of competition! written by on Teppenpaw Commons (263 words)
SA18: Well I'm clearly the star of the show! written by on Teppenpaw Commons (219 words)
SA18: As long as there's a decent beat. written by on Teppenpaw Commons (249 words)
SA18: Difficulty Speaking. written by on Teppenpaw Commons (469 words)