Lexi Stafford

July 23, 2007 1:36 AM

All's quiet on the labyrinthine front by Lexi Stafford

It was hard to believe the term was almost over, Lexi mused to herself as she headed toward an abandoned bench that looked like the perfect place to relax and ignore the fact that exams were soon to be upon the students. She wasn’t going to completely blow off the tests like she had in years before, of course, and, in fact, had studied more than she’d ever done before, with a couple of weeks to go, but there was only so much she could do without needing to take a nice, relaxing break.

As she dropped her book-bag by the side, Lexi pondered going inside, finding Chris, and dragging him out here with her. After a moment, though, she thought better of the idea. While she loved the time they spent together, she relished her time alone as well, and there were things that she just didn’t feel comfortable about sometimes regarding their relationship, most specifically Ben’s silence on the subject. She’d had no desire for her brother to start interfering, since she’d been certain he’d do his best to nip it in the bud, but, still, she’d like something. Anything was better than the way he carefully avoided the subject. Lexi sighed. She'd be able to get whatever his problem was out in the open over the summer, she supposed.

She also had worried a bit about how Kaylie would take it, since, although she and the older girl weren’t anything more than acquaintances who happened to be on the same quidditch team, Lexi hadn’t had any desire to create open hostility. However, that concern had little to no chance of being resolved, as Kaylie seemed to be avoiding her, which stung a bit, since Kaylie had always been friendly before. It was hardly Lexi’s fault that Kaylie and Chris had broken up, as the redhead hadn’t even spoken to him before that point. And, yes, perhaps they’d gotten together a bit quickly, but still, it wasn’t that unusual for teenagers to do such things. She didn’t understand why she apparently had to be the villain. She’d talked to her roommate about what to do with regards to Kaylie, although Dalila hadn’t been able to think of a way to resolve the situation any better than Lexi had.

Still, it was too pretty a day to be thinking about such depressing things. The sun was out, the weather was amazing, as usual, and Lexi didn’t have anything she had to do or anywhere she had to be for quite some time. She pulled a bit of light reading, a book on magical creatures that her father had sent her for her birthday (she’d have preferred getting her broom back, but she’d gotten promises she would receive it back over the summer, so she got over her slight disappointment quickly), and flipped to the dog-eared page. She didn’t even look up when the sound of someone else approaching reached her, although she did utter a slightly inquisitive “Hello?” before turning back to the entry on kneazles. Lexi wouldn’t have minded company, but she was just as content to be left alone to read.
0 Lexi Stafford All's quiet on the labyrinthine front 0 Lexi Stafford 1 5

Earl Valentine

July 23, 2007 2:43 AM

but what about the back? by Earl Valentine

It was a beautiful day and Earl was thoroughly enjoying the break he had taken from studying for finals. The sunshine was taking the dull ache from his brain that had been left there by his transfiguration textbook and he was was wandering around the Labryinth wondering why he hadn't remembered to being his broom. A good fly around the school would have been nice. Oh well, too late.

He didn't exactly have anywhere to go and his feet were leading him randomly about the gardens. He was staring at the ground in front of him and didn't look up until he heard a small "hello".

"Umm...hi," Earl said. He pushed his hair out of his eyes. It was getting long and he had long given up trying to gel it into spikes like he used to. Earl realized the person who had greeted him was a girl sitting on a bench reading a book. Upon a closer look he realized that it was the pretty redhead from the Teppenpaw Quidditch team. Earl blushed a bit at the thought, but concealed it with a cough. What was her name again? S something...

"Stafford, right? You used to be on the Teppenpaw's Quidditch team."
0 Earl Valentine but what about the back? 67 Earl Valentine 0 5


July 23, 2007 3:10 AM

...Knew I forgot something by Lexi

Lexi put down her book when the other student answered her. She knew him, of course, or, rather, of him (it was hard to not know of someone at a school as small as Sonora, so nearly impossible when it concerned people in one’s year). The one boy in Crotalus in the fourth year, Earl…some holiday or another. Easter, Michaelmas..ah, yes, Valentine, that was it.

She raised an eyebrow at the rather unconventional name, going even higher when he asked his question. “That would be me, although I generally go by Lexi. Too much confusion, and all, to go by last name, with my brother here as well. And there’s no used to, at least, unless there’s something Jake hasn’t told me.”

Folding down a corner of the page she was on, she placed her book down and leaned back against the hedge. “Earl Valentine, correct? Crotalus’s keeper. Good job in the championship. It was a most…interesting match.” That was to put it lightly. Lexi wouldn’t have been at all surprised if her reign as the supposed ‘homicidal beater’ had come to an end after Lily Collins seemed determined to destroy everyone in sight. And she couldn’t say she’d miss it at all. “So, what brings you out here this fine afternoon?”
0 Lexi ...Knew I forgot something 0 Lexi 0 5


July 23, 2007 4:17 PM

It's always something... by Earl

Earl sighed. He was somehow afraid that he had gotten her name wrong. And she asked him to call her Lexi. He had forgotten she had a brother. Lexi was far more interesting to pay attention to, anyway.

"Uh, yeah, Earl." Even after over four years at Sonora, he still got a bit flustered when people he didn't talk to knew his name. "And thanks. That was a crazy match. I sometimes still can't believe we won. I was afraid the ref would make us forfeit before Lily killed the entire Pecari team," Earl gave a weak chuckle.

"Basically, I'm out here to get away from my books. Finals, and all..." Earl shifted uncomfortably and then noticed the book she was holding.

"Is that what you're doing out here? Studying?"
0 Earl It's always something... 0 Earl 0 5


July 25, 2007 11:56 AM

Ah, well, too late now by Lexi

Lexi nodded as Earl sort of stumbled through acknowledging that, yes, that was him. She was rather amused, although she didn’t say anything about it. She was even more amused when the boy expressed his surprise that the team hadn’t been disqualified because of one overenthusiastic beater. “Well, really, although Fox can be a bit hypocritical and irrational at times,” Lexi still hadn’t forgiven her entirely for the foul even when time out hadn’t been called, “Doing something like that goes beyond even her, I think. I mean, you know her reputation, right? Or, rather, her reputation before she got kicked out of the league. I bet she thought Lily was great. Mini-her, and all.”

She nodded once more when Earl explained the reason he was out here. A boy after her own heart, he was. “Ah, yes, escape from the books and the stress. It’s a marvelous thing, isn’t it?” When he called attention to the book she’d placed beside her, she glanced down at it, then returned her gaze to his face. “Nope, just a bit of light reading, actually. I’ve put my textbooks away for the day, if I can help it.”

Scooting over until there was a reasonable amount of room for another person, she patted the seat beside her. “You can join me, if you’d like. I mean, I can’t always promise to be amazing company, but,” she grinned, “I’ve been informed I’m at least better than nothing.”
0 Lexi Ah, well, too late now 0 Lexi 0 5


July 26, 2007 2:25 AM

It's never too late! by Earl

Earl laughed. Sometimes he forgot that Coach Fox used to be an incredibly violent beater and the only reason she was even at this school was because she kicked out of the league.

"You know, you're right. Lily really is like a Mini-Fox." Earl took the proffered seat next to the redhead. "I'm sure you're better than nothing. And definitely better than studying." Earl stared at his hands for a moment before adding "You're really lucky that you don't have to study 24/7." Earl gave Lexi a smile.

"So, what's going on in your life?" He picked up Lexi's book and skimmed through it. "Or is reading been it for you right now?" Earl chanced a glance over at his companion. It was very broad question he asked and figured it was fairly safe. But you never knew when it came to girls. He had drawn Asher a portrait and she had gotten sad. but this was Lexi, who was hopefully a lot less moody than Earl's former crush.
0 Earl It's never too late! 0 Earl 0 5


July 27, 2007 5:50 PM

But I'm too lazy now by Lexi

Lexi considered Earl for a moment before she answered, not because it was a particularly difficult question, but because she wasn't quite sure how much information she was supposed to give in a situation like this. After all, with mere acquaintances, which was all she and Earl were, really, one didn't want to be too specific, because it wasn't kind to burden someone who potentially wasn't all that interested with one's troubles. However, if the other person was genuinely interested, then it was probably bad form to be too vague. Ah, well, better to stick with the tried and true response type, and if he was curious for more, than he could ask.

'Oh, thank you, you've done wonders for my self esteem,' she replied with a grin. 'I'm sure that's what every girl wants to be informed- at the very least, she's better than studying.' She leaned back, looking more somber. 'And I wouldn't say I don't have my moments of studying 24/7. Grades are very important to my dad, so,' she shrugged, 'I've spent more than my fair share of time stuck in the library with a stack of books recently.'

She shrugged again as her companion picked up her book. 'Well, reading, obviously. Hanging out with people, studying. Not much interesting happens toward the end of term that I've ever noticed. Pace of life slows down, and things get...dull. How about you? You have any interesting anectdotes or whatnot of ways you'd managed to beat the monotony you'd be willing to share? Or are you that type that monotony doesn't effect at all?'

Her answer was mostly true. There had been a bit of monotony in her life. It wasn't as dull as she'd made it out to be, but, like she'd decided earlier, she wasn't going to bore Earl with minute details or relationship problems. And, as for the relationship-thing itself, it was old news. She at least hadn't been actively broadcasting it, but it also was hard to keep something like that a secret in the small-town-like social network of Sonora, so it really went without saying.
0 Lexi But I'm too lazy now 0 Lexi 0 5


July 28, 2007 4:03 AM

As long as you have a good excuse by Earl

Earl started. Lexi was a Teppenpaw, from what Earl remembered, and he was expecting someone more along the lines of Eavan. But Lexi had a personality that matched her hair (which Earl was thoroughly enjoying watching every time she moved).

"Nope. I think I'm just like you in the interesting department. Nothing's going on with me, except for studying. Lucky for me, though, my Dad's goals for my grades don't go any further than me passing. And helping my little sister to pass too. Eavan. She's in Teppenpaw, but a second year. You know her?"

He somehow doubted Lexi knew Eavan, even if they were in the same house. Earl didn't pretend to know everyone in Crotalus, especially the younger ones. But he might as well ask. And, on the off chance that Lexi did know Eavan, he could ask her to watch out for his little sister. Being in different houses has made his job as 'Big Brother' a lot harder, especially since he kept on seeing Eavan in the company of boys. He didn't like it, and an extra pair of eyes could be a big help.
0 Earl As long as you have a good excuse 0 Earl 0 5


August 16, 2007 1:09 AM

Wish I had one for tardiness by Lexi

Lexi thought hard for a few minutes after Earl asked her if she was acquainted with his sister. She was fairly certain that she’d likely never had more than a passing few words with the girl, since Eavan was a second year, but Teppenpaw as a house was a friendly enough atmosphere where most people could recognize each other.

“I think I might know her. Or of her, to be precise. She look anything like you? If so, then, yeah, I’m pretty sure I’ve got the right name to the face.” She paused. “If that makes any sense whatsoever.” She was fairly certain she recognized Earl’s look. She knew it far too well. Overprotective older brother. She also had a feeling she knew were this was going. Still, maybe she was wrong, and Earl would avoid the potentially hypocritical situation for her. One never knew.
0 Lexi Wish I had one for tardiness 0 Lexi 0 5


August 16, 2007 2:57 AM

Does Sonora give out tardy passes? by Earl

"Yeah, Eavan looks kinda like me," Earl said with a smile. "But, you know, girlier." He took a deep breath and continued.

"Okay, I know this sounds really weird cause we don't know each other that well, but could you just...maybe keep an eye on her? I mean, she's this little girl. And she's gullible and people are gonna take advantage of her. And since I can't be there all the time - cause of the different houses thing-" Earl just realized how much he'd been babbling and promptly shut up.

"Sorry, Lex, I kinda went overboard there." Earl gave an apologetic grin. "And you don't have to do anything...I was just asking." Earl sat silently for a few moments, thinking that he had probably freaked Lexi out.

0 Earl Does Sonora give out tardy passes? 0 Earl 0 5