Paul Simon Tellerman

June 24, 2005 9:11 AM

Instant replay by Paul Simon Tellerman

This wind and dust storm had seriously messed with Simon's timetable. The alumni would be coming in far too short a time, and the three areas he had just finished getting ready - the main entrance hall, the outside of the building, and grounds - were now far worse than they'd been before he'd started working on them. He glowered up at the blue sky that was interrupted by the occassional fluffy white cloud and shook his fist at one that looked a bit like a stuffed bear.

He belatedly realized that his horde of elves might try to take that as some kind of order and run off, so he quickly turned to face them. "Okay, troops, we've got our work cut out for us." He gestured toward the outside of the building, "Some of the paint wasn't dry when the dust storm hit, so we're going to have to redo everywhere that's got sand embedded. Strip the old paint, clear it of sand, and put on the fresh coat." He clapped his hands, "Let's get to it, folks! Go!"

This was the final batch of elves dispatched. A crew of about ten were already replanting and repairing the hedge maze where it had been damaged, and another half-dozen were repolishing the Entrance Hall to free if of dust and grime that had blown or got tracked inside when the Care of Magical Creatures class had escaped back into the school. The entire corridors leading the four houses, the infirmary would also need their floors scrubbed again, but he'd set the elves on that once the Entrance Hall was done. Again.

He gave the cloud-bear another sour look, as if this was all its fault. Clearly, something up there had it out for Simon. Obviously, the whole storm had swept through just to make more work for him, because, really, he didn't have enough to do to get ready for this thing already.

Satisfied that the re-painting process was underway, he moved out into the maze to check up on the progress there. Using a few odd and ends he kept in his pockets for prop transfiguration, he made himself a clipboard, a pencil, and an overseer's cap. He chewed on the eraser and made nonsense marks on the clipboard as he walked around, nodding, shaking his head, or offering the occassional criticism or advice to any hapless elf that he happened across.

When he rounded toward a back portion of the maze, he came to a sudden stop as he found the corner of some kind of wooden construct jabbing through a hedge. He looked around, not spotting any elves in the immediate area, then decided to investigate this personally.

He pushed the wooden thing out of the hedge and climbed through the hole it had made in the maze wall. He came out on a clearing he didn't recall seeing personally before (one or two of the elves had mentioned trimming the grass 'in the tree and stream clearing', though). It wasn't the tree or the stream though, that Simon was noticing. It was all the splintered wood that littered it. Aside from what looked like a floor or something built right into the branches on tree, the corner that had been in the hedge was apparently the largest surviving piece of whatever had been build in here.

Picking up the construct, he gave it a once over, and smirked a bit as he thought he recognized some of the planks that had gone missing from his work shed. He levitated it across the stream and put it at the foot of the tree, then went back to the rent in the hedge, and yelled, "Hey, Janitors of the Third Order! We've got a mess back here!"\n\n
1 Paul Simon Tellerman Instant replay 14 Paul Simon Tellerman 1 5


June 27, 2005 12:52 PM

dusting... on a large scale. by Scurry

If it weren't for the fact that Scurry liked work he may very well have wept tears of frustration upon reaching the building he had cleaned at the beginning of the year. The walls which had all bar sparkled with cleanliness were now dull with dust. Covered from ground to roof in a uniform brown - not even the more varied colours of the local ground had managed to make a showing. It was a potentially heartbreaking sight.

Still, Scurry was an enthusiast of work, and an optimist at heart. There was a definite bright side to all this - he got to clean it all again!

So once again on a bright, sunny day with a blue sky - ad fluffy white clouds like lovely new mops in it's expanse, cleaning all remnants of the dust from it's reaches - Scurry stared up at the building, cleaning brush held in his hand and bucket of soapy water at his side. And once again, he began the long and time consuming process of cleaning it from top to bottom.

In the distance, he heard Master Paul Simon calling for all Janitors of the Third Order, for assistance in whatever mess it was Sir had found, and - although he made sure to drip soapy water into his eyes for the thought - he puffed up slightly as he scrubbed, knowing that he was one of the few to currently be in the First Order.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
39 Scurry dusting... on a large scale. 0 Scurry 0 5