Mortimer Brockert

August 15, 2024 10:37 AM
Midterm had passed as eventfully and uneventfully as always. As usual, Mortimer had to socialize more than he would have liked, which meant that he had to do it at all.Honestly, one of the best things about being a school headmaster was that regardless of the actual realities of his job was that everyone expected “responsibilities” to keep him away from the social scene.

Of course, one of the biggest drawbacks to his job was that Mortimer had no real good excuse to avoid it in the summer since he had those off. And being that he was a school headmaster, people tended to want to harass him about their offspring.Who were never ever the ones to blame of course. It was usually Mortimer being blamed for things that they didn’t like such as who got prefect and the apparent prior ease with which gay couples in the same house-which as far as Mortimer knew there had been exactly one of those and he only knew about that one because one of them had been Jasper’s roommate-did things that everyone else had to be more creative about. Which he could appreciate in that they shouldn’t have any special privileges that the rest of the student body-including gay couples with people from different houses-did not.

Obviously, students should not be doing those things. However, it certainly was not his fault as Mortimer was highly unlikely to inspire anyone to do anything really and least of all that. He would be sincerely worried about any student who had thoughts of him in connection with such activities, unless it was the terror that he’d discover them, an outcome unpleasant for all parties involved, and it prevented such things from happening.

And Mortimer, of all people, was most certainly not responsible for teen hormones. Dear Merlin, if he could get rid of them….well, maybe he’d hate that facet of his job slightly less. Then again, he found people of all ages fairly irritating, even the ones who were not in throes of puberty or potential steroid abuse so perhaps not. Still, when it came down to it, teenagers being teenagers, was most certainly not something that he was going to encourage but it was one of those things you just had to accept in life.

Which was, of course, made Mortimer keep away from students as much as possible.He was pretty sure this was a mutual decision, actually as, if his public speaking skills were abysmal….well, it would surprise absolutely nobody to know that his interpersonal skills were even worse. Like on par with Eustace’s general ability to be a decent human being and everyone who’d met the man knew that even inanimate objects were better at being human beings than Eustace was.

Unfortunately, tonight was the Returning Feast, which meant he could not stay away from the students and their hormones completely. He would greet them and welcome them back but that was all. He did not have to interact with them in any meaningful way, or even smile. Honestly, it was best for all if Mortimer did not smile as it looked unnatural and therefore terrifying and just plain wrong. He’d actually been told not to do so.

So he sneered. Well, probably. He had no particular reason to do so beyond the collective smell of a room full of people that included several teenage boys but that tended to be Mortimer’s default expression.Although, he scowled quite a bit too so he might be doing that.

He stood up and cast the Sonorus charm on himself. “Welcome back. I hope you all had a nice break.” He removed the spell and sat back down.





11 Mortimer Brockert Returning Feast 6 1 5


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