Isis Carter-Xavier

June 03, 2024 8:42 PM

HoH Speech, SA44 by Isis Carter-Xavier

“This way, Pecari first years!” Isis shouted over the crowd after the Feast had wound down, a Sonorus charm once again rendered unnecessary. She projected well enough on her own, and it was time to take her new batch off to see their new rooms. The groups seemed to get smaller each year, but that was just fine with Isis, because the kids she had always tended to keep her quite busy regardless of their count.

"Pecari first years!" echoed her son. Otto was still small, even for his age, so he held Isis's robe tightly in one fist to keep from feeling lost in the crowd. Still, it would be his turn in seemingly no time at all.

“Welcome to Sonora,” she smiled once she was fairly confident she’d gathered the entirety of her brood. “My name is Isis Carter-Xavier, and I’m your Head of House. You’ll also see me in class sporadically, as I function as the substitute teacher around here. Just as a little background on me, I’ve been at this school for nineteen years, I’m married to Professor Xavier, who teaches Herbology and is the Head of Teppenpaw House. Our daughter Dora is a Teppenpaw second year, and this is our son, Otto."

"Hi!" Otto grinned.

From the Cascade Hall, Isis and Otto led the first years into the Labyrinth Gardens. She always wondered idly if they had passed by the entrance to their Common Room earlier, during their tour, before they even knew about it. Hopefully, if they had passed, the memory of the happenstance would help them remember the location. “Stick to me,” she said back to them. “And keep in mind that even if the Gardens seem a bit spooky at night, they are perfectly safe. Plus you don’t have to go too far.”

She stopped semi-abruptly beside a suit of armor. Gesturing toward it, she smiled. “This is the entrance to Pecari Common Room. Please keep in mind that its location is supposed to be kept secret from those who aren’t in your House, so don’t spread it around. If you happen to forget where it is or how to get into it, just find me or one of your Housemates, and we’ll help you get back in. This week, the password is -"

"Dragon Dance!” Otto exclaimed.

Immediately, the suit of armor sprang to life and leaped out of the way, revealing the path inside. As she had with the class before, Isis offered a half-merry, “After you,” to the student nearest her and let them enter in front of her. It was a good way to keep track of them, but it was unfortunate that she therefore couldn’t see their reactions to their new home. Pecari Common Room was tailored to its students. It was a warm place in both temperature and aesthetics, with plenty of comfortable seating, oak tables, and brown and gold décor strewn about. Physical heat was provided by the burning fire, set earlier by a prairie elf. “Welcome home!” Isis beamed.

“That way,” she continued a moment later, her voice returning to more of a tour guide style, “is the bulletin board. Be sure to check it often, because it will have the new password each week, as well as any announcements. Your House prefects are Tissena Randall, Fortune Ardovini, and Xarryn Bavol. The Head Students, Philip Carson and Christopher Brockert, aren’t in your House, but they are also an excellent resource for help. If you need anything at all, you can go to any of those student leaders. Or me, of course; my office is right over there,” she added with a gesture in that direction, “if you need me. I’ll have a schedule of office hours posted on the door, but if you’re in trouble, I can always be found.”

Isis led the first years across the Common Room to the two identical stairways. “This way leads to the girls’ dormitories, and this way leads to the boys’. You can only use the corridor assigned to you. If you go down the wrong way, you’ll be re-deposited back out here in the Common Room. Curfew is ten o’clock PM; it’s up to you to go to sleep on time, but you have to be back to Pecari Commons before then. Otherwise, you will be locked out and will have to come to me to get back in.” She had never been very strict on timeliness, either in curfew or with class attendance, but she had gotten slightly more attentive to it since having Theodora. “Does anyone have any questions? If not, you’re free to go explore your new home.”

OOC: Welcome to Pecari! You are now free to post on any board except other houses and the staff/prefect lounge. You may continue your threads at the feast as well as posting here. This does not mean your character is in two places at once, as we operate under fuzzy time, whereby the time passing in the real world is not the same as Sonora - so long as threads are set at different times and do not have an effect on each other, you can be in multiple threads at once. You are not obliged to reply to this post but may do so if your character had questions to ask. Enjoy!
12 Isis Carter-Xavier HoH Speech, SA44 31 1 5