Renée Errant

July 19, 2011 6:37 PM

Escorting the Sick {Valerie} by Renée Errant

It took some effort to keep her hand - however light the touch - on Valerie Lennox' back. It was easier, however, to get past the uncomfortableness of touching a perfect stranger who was sick by thinking of the first year as a sort of magical creature that needed her help. With that mindset she was able to keep a genuinely light smile on her face as she led her temporary charge to the Ladies Room, waiting outside, back pressed to the wall while Valerie stayed inside. Distracting herself with more pleasant thoughts, she ran her eyes over the interior architecture of the building. This year was starting off as one without many beautiful things happening within it, and she found herself grasping desperately to whatever was beautiful, no matter how small the details. Sonora was a source of conflict for her, but while she remained here it was also a source of beauty. The gardens, the water room, the paintings and colors occupying the walls. The bad things that did happen she tried to make beautiful as well. She thought she could hear the sound of retching and struggled to make that sound beautiful within her mind. But it only became beautiful once the sound was replaced by silence.

"Feeling a bit better?" She pushed gently off the wall once Valerie came out. "Ready to start walking again?" She allowed Valerie to get any bearings needed getting before turning to walk beside her once more, steering her towards the Hospital Wing. Walking up a few stairs, she hesitated asking a question, and then decided to let it go. The girl didn't seem up to talking and she wouldn't offer up any conversation before the girl did. First years hardly had anything interesting to say anyway (except when she was a first year, of course) but Renée couldn't help being interested by how she'd gotten to be sick. Two plus years at Sonora and Renée hadn't ever needed medical assistance beyond treating bludger injuries. 'Maybe if I allow one to hit me in the finals, after making a bunch of goals, then I can die and Abuela need never bother to come and brutally mutilate me.' That would ensure her seeing the team to the very end, and allow her to avoid the vast array of curses Soledad reputedly held at the end of her wand.

Finally at the Hospital Wing, Renée knocked a little on the door before entering, ushering Valerie before her. "Hola?" She called out, her voice light, seeking the medic. She glanced at Valerie. "Do you want to sit down, for now? You're going to feel much better in a few minutes." She smiled comfortingly, before glancing around again for the medic.
0 Renée Errant Escorting the Sick {Valerie} 0 Renée Errant 1 5

Valerie Lennox

July 24, 2011 3:46 AM

Being escorted. (Medic) by Valerie Lennox

The walk to the Hospital Wing was torturous for Valerie. Her thoughts were strange and the setting around her was strange despite it really being familiar and though she felt queasy, she also felt rather thirsty. The first year kept flashing between hot and cold and the pain in her ears-both of them-was intense.

She wanted to be home. Well, not in general, Valerie might have viewed herself as completely incapable, but she needed to succeed and be normal in this one way, be at Sonora and be able to handle it. The Crotalus felt the need to be successful here. Get good grades and make a few friends. If Valerie had to go home, she would be painfully lonely once Melanie went to Sonora.

Still, right now, Valerie just wanted her bed. Not a hospital bed or the one she slept in here, but her bed. It was comforting. It was the place she felt the most secure and safe. Walking through the halls of Sonora did not feel so when she was all disoriented and feverish. If Renee's hand had not been on her back, Valerie might not have noticed the other girl was there or make it to where she was supposed to go.

After a quick stop in the bathroom to empty the (few)contents of her stomach, basically the juice she'd drank for breakfast and the few bites of toast she had eaten, Valerie rinsed out her mouth and rejoined the other Crotalus out in the hall. She nodded weakly in response to both of Renee's questions. Valerie had no choice but to continue walking as she hadn't fainted yet and she did feel a tiny bit better in the sense that she had nothing left in her stomach though she was so hot she felt like she would die.

Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, they reached the Hospital Wing and Valerie could not have been happier. Soon, she would be able to lie down. At this point, Valerie no longer needed her bed. Any bed
would do.

The first year nodded again and collapsed in a chair, gripping the sides in order to stay upright while she waited for the medic to appear.
11 Valerie Lennox Being escorted. (Medic) 204 Valerie Lennox 0 5

Medic Cleo Rocamboli

July 28, 2011 11:36 AM

Receiving the party by Medic Cleo Rocamboli

The only thing about being a medic that was kind of depressing was that every time there was a knock at the door, it meant that someone was sick. No one ever stopped in for a good thing; it was because they were hurt or ill or trying to get out of class. Cleo knew this was partially her fault, since she hadn't really tried to make friends at Sonora, but still.

Well, she and Lilac Crosby were friends. And it was kind of Cleo's fault that they hadn't been that much in touch lately. She'd been seeing Roger a lot, which took her out of the school during the few hours she wasn't working. As the medic, it was kind of hard to have hours off; it was pretty much the one job where you could be needed at any time. Cleo tried to stay at school pretty much all the time, because between Quidditch and the amount of students with preexisting medical conditions, Sonora needed a medic available.

So when she heard Renée Errant—a frequent visitor during the Quidditch season—say “Hola? after a knock, Cleo came quickly into the main room of her Hospital Wing. Ms. Errant, however, did not seem to be the patient; Valerie Lennox, who Cleo had met upon a few occasions, was seated and looking very ill. As Valerie was Primary Immune Deficiency, she relied on potions to supplement her poor immune system, but was still more vulnerable to illness than her classmates. Since they were getting closer to flu season, Cleo was a little sad but not surprised to see the first-year there.

Valerie looked clammy and dazed, and Cleo wouldn't be surprised if she had a fever. Preemptively getting a Pepper-Up Potion (if Valerie had a cold, this would cure it, and if she didn't, it would probably help with a few of the symptoms), Cleo crossed to the chair in which the first-year had seated herself. Ordinarily, she would've asked the first-year to sit on one of the Hospital Wing beds for an examination, but she didn't think Valerie should try to move around very much. The last thing Cleo wanted to do was make her more uncomfortable, and judging by Valerie's expression, movement wouldn't be the best thing for her right now.

“What seems to be the problem?” she asked, drawing her wand to start diagnostic spells. The russet-haired Medic glanced between the Crotali, thinking that Renée might be able to tell her if Valerie couldn't focus very well.
0 Medic Cleo Rocamboli Receiving the party 0 Medic Cleo Rocamboli 0 5


August 02, 2011 6:48 PM

It's a pretty depressing party by Renée

Her gaze was torn from Valerie sitting in the chair looking rather desperate, as if she could barely keep herself on, to the Medic who'd just walked into the main room. Renée wasn't really sure what she thought of Healers. On one hand, they cured people, and that was rather nice. On the other hand, they'd all have to have some sort of sick twisted fascination with blood, and bones, and disease, sickness and loads of other disgusting stuff in order to continue being Healers and taking any joy out of the job. Renée didn't really trust Healers all that much. However, Medic Rocamboli was nice enough, and of course Renée would still be walking around with a concussion, or broken limbs right now without her so she usually was able to shove aside her trust issues and could appreciate the necessity of Healers.

“What seems to be the problem?”

Renée looked Valerie over, the first year looked close to collapsing and seemed no more able to answer questions than she had on the walk over. "I'm not sure. Ms. Diaz asked me to walk her over here. She was vom - throwing up" The word vomiting sounded more disgusting when spoken out loud. "in the bathroom, and you know, she looks really sick." Renée smiled apologetically, not really having anything more concrete to add. "I don't know what's the cause." She shifted a little where she stood, briefly biting her lip before asking, "Do you need me to stay? I can - I have a free - but I don't want to be in the way." She wasn't all that keen on lingering without any other purpose but to observe, but then again, she had gone on this little adventure and it seemed fitting she should stick it out to the end. Whatever that entailed. Hopefully it would include her doing more than just waiting. "If you need my help with anything...?" She offered, directed toward the medic while her eyes drifted to Valerie, silently asking her if she needed her to stay.

The closest she'd gotten to real sickness was the chicken pox and that was when she was about one years old. On the off Quidditch season she was very good about staying in good health. Her mind tended to unravel, spinning in several different directions at once, but her bones were strong, her body free of serious bruising. She had a few scratches and scars on her knees, hidden by the robes (the gardens were put there to be explored, there was no way she could refuse), but otherwise she was perfectly wonderfully healthy. She kept reassuring herself, the Hospital Wing making her feel defensive. 'I'm in perfect health, thank you.' She glared around the room, at the mysterious potion vials and other suspicious looking tools. 'You can all just back off. Yeah, that means YOU Rocamboli.' Renée kept her eyes on the medic's hands as she neared Valerie. She really didn't trust Medics.
0 Renée It's a pretty depressing party 0 Renée 0 5


August 03, 2011 8:27 AM

Unfortunately, its only one I've been to by Valerie

Things seemed completely fuzzy right now but Valerie was dimly aware of Medic Rocamboli nearby. She felt truly awful, more so by the second. The first year didn't necessarily think she was getting sicker, but the longer it went on, the more unbearable it got.Until she would be able to stand it no more.

Except that Valerie didn't have any choice but to put up with it. It wasn't going to stop just because she wanted it to. If that was the case, Valerie wouldn't be sick so much in the first place but she couldn't do anything but take potions to boost her immune system to the point where she wouldn't die and treat infections as they came.

The room turned to ice again and Valerie began to shiver uncontrollably once more. She looked longingly towards the hospital beds, wanting so badly to just go lie down on one, but unsure that she could get up at the moment.

The first year listened as the Medic asked the problem and Renee replied with what she knew and Valerie's pale face flushed. Throwing up was disgusting and embarassing and she wished it hadn't happen. Of course, that wasn't the whole story. "My ears hurt." Valerie told the medic, in a shaky voice. "Really really bad. And I'm freezing." She drew her arms around herself.

She looked at the beds once again. "M-may I please lie down?" Valerie asked. In general, she didn't like to ask for things, it made her worry that she looked like she was trying to get attention or seek special favors. Her parents were already more relaxed in some ways with her than Melanie. Like they acted as if they expected more out of the younger girl, treating Melanie like a normal pureblood girl, who had the normal things expected of her while Valerie was treated like an invalid. Sometimes, she felt guilty about that and hated trying to ask to be treated special but when it came to something that might help Valerie feel better, her parents said it was better for her to take care of herself.

And the thing was Valerie felt really, really woozy, both from the ear issues and the fever. She wasn't sure how much longer she could stay sitting up.
11 Valerie Unfortunately, its only one I've been to 204 Valerie 0 5

Medic Rock

August 05, 2011 1:47 AM

What a shame by Medic Rock

Cleo nodded in response to Renée's description of Valerie's symptoms. She'd of course like to have Valerie's own description of how she was feeling, but the Crotalus didn't seem in any state to answer questions yet. “Thank you so much, Renée,” she said, taking Valerie's temperature with a spell. “You've done a really good job helping and getting her here. If you want to go, I can handle it from here.”

This would've been a good time for Valerie to interject if she wanted Renée to stay. Cleo personally would've like to have a friend with her if she was ill, but she knew not everyone felt the same way; when they had been married, Teo had only let her come to his doctor's appointments because she was a Healer as well. Anyway, she wasn't sure how close friends Renée and Valerie were, considering that Renée seemed only to have escorted Valerie since DiAnna sent her.

Once it was sorted out whether Renée was going to stay or go, Cleo directed her full attention to Valerie. The first-year helpfully described her other symptoms. Cleo would check for ear infection in a moment, but Valerie's shivering had escalated to near violence, so she had to do something for her fever.

“Yes, of course,” Cleo said to the girl's query. “Just relax,” she added gently, and very carefully Transfigured the chair Valerie was sitting on. First, the Healer gave it padding and a different structure, making it more like a recliner than a chair. She then flicked her wand and the seat back slowly descended as the bottom extended. A third flick of the wand raised it slightly and added a pillow, completing the chair's transformation into a cot. Cleo thought this would be the best course of action to let Valerie lie down, as it meant the young girl didn't have to move very much. Just in case, though, Cleo conjured a bucket next to the new bed, in case Valerie felt dizzy enough to vomit again.

Once the bed was finished, Cleo Summoned a vial of purple potion from the other side of the room. It was similar to the Muggle drug ibuprofen, and would help bring down Valerie's fever and make her ears hurt less. Once Valerie had taken that, she was allowed to stay lying down, and Cleo conjured sheets and an extra blanket for her. “If you don't start warming up in a few minutes, tell me,” the russet-haired woman told Valerie.

After running a few more spells, Cleo had a result for the student. “You have an ear infection in both ears,” she reported, conjuring another chair next to Valerie's cot and taking a seat. She waved her wand again, Summoning a small white bottle and a red potion from her supplies. “The white bottle has eardrops; they'll help with the dizziniess and other symptoms. The red, you drink; it gets rid of the infection.” Cleo always made a point to explain to her patients what the medicines did; she knew she wouldn't like to take anything without knowing what it was for. “You can stay here overnight if you wish; I'll arrange for your classwork to be brought here if you're worried about missing anything. Do you have any questions?” Ear infections weren't too uncommon for Valerie, according to the file, so Cleo didn't think there would be too much for her to answer.
0 Medic Rock What a shame 0 Medic Rock 0 5