Selina Skies

January 08, 2021 7:50 PM

An Announcement by Selina Skies

OOC: The notice appears in each common room but I have put it centrally here to save repeating the same post four times. BIC:

It wasn’t over. Of course it wasn’t. Selina wondered why she had dared to assume it would be so simple. The news that there had been a further manifestation had been met with calm professionalism whilst she pushed the desire to bang her head against the desk deep, deep down. The fact that it had been in front of students was only mildly concerning. Some of them had seen things the previous term anyway, and the only reason she hadn’t made a school-wide announcement was because she had thought the problem was over.

They had had a brief staff discussion, but it only reconfirmed what they already knew. The only really new direction was roping Grayson into Wednesdays training session for the upper years. They would be practising the containment charm, and advising them all to carry a spare potions vial or two. It made sense to have the prefects skilled up, seeing as they spent the most time wandering the corridors. Given that that meant they felt students of fifth year and above were capable of handling the spell, it seemed reasonable to offer them all a shot at learning it. After all, these things were not popping up particularly predictably, and Selina wasn’t sure how long they hung around after manifesting.

The same evening as the figure had appeared in Giselle’s classroom, a notice went up in each of the Common Rooms.
Shape-Shifting Mist

There have been several sightings of what appears to be a shape-shifting mist on campus. It is unclear what it is or why it appears, although on several occasions it has imitated real people or attempted to provoke emotional responses through presenting upsetting situations.

One sample of the mist has already been captured and sent to MACUSA for analysis, although it seems the problem is more widespread than this single example.

So far, the mist does not seem capable of or intent on hurting people. Students are advised to remain calm, and walk away.

If you see manifestations, alert staff as soon as possible so they can contain the mist. Additionally, all students in fifth year and above should attend containment training in the Cascade Hall after dinner on Wednesday.

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