Stanley O'Malley

November 02, 2020 6:39 PM

Hurricane Stanley, probably [Room 1] by Stanley O'Malley

OOC: Mentions of Lavender's cooperation discussed with and approved by her author. BIC:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You’re really cute,
Can I go out with you?

-Stanley O’Malley

There were boxes labeled YES and NO on the note as well, ready for Valentine to check off her response. Stanley was sooooo glad Lavender agreed to give her his note. It was super exciting! He was totally gonna get a girlfriend! It was his best kept secret so far - he hadn’t even told Wally what he was doing yet! - and it was absolutely killing him. Maybe he’d tell Theo tonight when they got back to Pecari. Yeah, maybe.

For now, though, Stanley decided he needed a method to burn off some of this extra energy. He pretty much always had a ton of energy, but this was more than even Stanley’s baseline. It was adrenaline and probably also testosterone because he was so big and manly. (Okay, fine, he was twelve and not especially manly yet. Happy now, Mom?)

He decided to go swimming, so he set off for the first MARS room. He proudly strolled through the halls in just his swim shorts, flippers, and scuba breather, with his bright red towel (CooooOOOOOoool, like blood!) slung over his shoulder. When he arrived, he was surprised to find somebody already there. But that didn’t bother him. “Hey, mind if I join you?” he asked as he sat his towel on the ground. Stanley, not exactly a beacon of patience, did not wait for confirmation.


12 Stanley O'Malley Hurricane Stanley, probably [Room 1] 1491 1 5