Nathan Xavier

December 13, 2019 7:22 PM
Nathan Xavier stood up from the staff table once it looked like all the new Teppenpaws were done eating and headed over to collect them. The first year class was small this year but it did manage to be slightly larger than it had been the previous year. It sorted out fairly evenly, too, which he hoped meant Teppenpaw would maintain good placement in the House Cup this year, though if they didn't, he still knew his Teppenpaws would do their best. Most of them, anyway. He did hope Nathaniel was in a better place this year, then he had been since midterm last year, particularly since Nathan had had little other option than to name him the new fifth year prefect.

"Hello," he greeted them, once he had collected all of his new students, trying not to show anything but cheer and welcome for the new kids, which proved much easier this year than it had the previous year when his wife had taken the semester off. Isis was back now. She still had some lingering difficulties, but she was at least here. "Hello, first years. Welcome to Teppenpaw! I'm your Head of House. Follow me, please, and we'll head over to our common room, your home away from home while you're here at Sonora. My name is Professor Xavier," he introduced himself. "I'm your new Head of House, and the school's Herbology professor."

He pointed out landmarks to help them find their way back to the Cascade Hall for breakfast tomorrow, and made conversation to get to know them a bit. He liked to foster a familiar family-like atmosphere in Teppenpaw and that started with getting to know each student as a person as well as sharing enough information about himself so he wouldn't feel like a strange adult who had no personal investment in them. Lately, that family-like setting had become a bit more literal with his small daughter toddling about the Common Room at times. She was with her mother tonight, hanging with the Pecari kids, and he was absurdly happy to see her and Isis bonding finally, but Dora would get to be around Teppenpaw again by tomorrow.

"The Hospital Wing," he pointed out as they passed by its door. "With luck, you won't need it too much, but if you do, our House is located conveniently close to it. Just head up these stairs here, and," he stopped only partway up, "here we are." He pointed down to the step he was standing on. "Look for the diamond shaped chip," he stated, pointing at it.

"You'll need to dance a jig on the chipped stair to open the Common Room," he continued. "Like this." He demonstrated. He was overweight and more than fifty years old. So it wasn't a pretty jig. Fortunately, it didn't have to be pretty. It was the steps that mattered, not their rhythm or grace, and he could do the steps in his sleep (he was pretty sure he had at least once when Dora was small). "Repeat it two more times. Try it with me." He offered corrections when he saw mistakes, then at the end of the third repetition of step, step, step, heel-click, tap, tap, and shuffle, the wall beside him opened up, revealing the Teppenpaw Common Room, decorated in muted yellow and maroon tones.

They went in, Nathan taking the rear, and closing the wall behind him. On this side, it just looked like a door. In Nathan's opinion, the Teppenpaw Common Room was a nice relaxing space and he enjoyed spending a couple hours of each day sitting on one of the comfortable couches or chairs scattered about the room, in the hopes that familiarity bred trust and the students would voluntarily come to him if they had any issues with anything. Little Dora had changed that dynamic a little bit, but he made sure to spend time in here both with her and without her. She could be an easy way to help people relax around him, but he also enjoyed engaging the students in conversation and getting to know them, which was becoming difficult when the toddler was around. His daughter loved having the students play with her and read books to her. While not every Teppenpaw enjoyed the company of a toddler, enough did that he allowed her to come with him at least twice a week.

"Your House is like your family here. As your Head of House, I'm the one responsible for your safety and well being and I take that responsibility very seriously. I just ask you all to respect one another and school property and we shouldn't have too many problems." As this was Teppenpaw, the House of diplomacy and friendship, the problems in that regard were thankfully quite few. Even when there were problems, they tended more toward implosion than explosive collateral damage. "Also, curfew begins at ten so please be back here or in your room by that time and keep your noise level to minimum so your Housemates can sleep. Your rooms are up those stairs there, boys on the left, girls to the right; don't go up the wrong one or you'll end up back down here. Your year number is on your door, and each year group gets its own room."

He pointed over to the wall beside where they had entered. "The bulletin board is over there. That's where we post school and club announcements. Our prefects are Eden Manger, Dorian Montoir, and Nathaniel Mordue this year." If they had stuck around the common room to see the incoming first years, he pointed them out as he said their name. "Prefects are students appointed by the staff to help you find your way around or otherwise be of assistance to you. They can recognized by the badges they wear. Ivy is this year's Head Girl, so congratulations to her for that, and she's another person you can go to. So any of those people, or myself, are good ones to ask questions or bring problems to or just talk to if you need a sounding board for anything."

"Finally," he began his wrap-up with a more personal note, "my daughter, she's just over two years old, lives here at the school with me and my wife, Professor Carter, the Head of Pecari, so she'll be spending some time in the commons with us, so I just wanted you to know about that in advance so you're not taken about by little girl shrieks. She hasn't chewed on unattended books too much recently, but I'd keep anything you don't want accidentally damaged in your room." Which he thought was good advice anyway, even if there wasn't a two year old running around Teppenpaw. "Her name is Theodora - Dora for short. So unless there are any questions, I think that's about it from me. Again, welcome to Teppenpaw. Breakfast is at seven, and I have more maps next to my office over there if you can't find yours."

OOC: Welcome to Sonora and Teppenpaw House! You may reply here with questions or just chat with and get to know your Housemates. You are now welcome to post your new Teppenpaw on any board except the common rooms of other Houses or the Lounges, because first year Teppenpaw students aren't allowed in those places. You may continue your feast and orientation posts as long as you like thanks to fuzzy time, which just basically means that while these things can be happening at the same time out of character, in character, they are clearly happening a different times, so your character can be involved in all of them. Have fun! And we are always happy to help answer questions on the OOC board or Chatzy if you have any!
1 Nathan Xavier Head of House Speech 28 1 5

Alexander Pierce-Beales

December 13, 2019 10:28 PM
At first, the thought of following a stranger up to his sleeping quarters was both familiar and uncomfortable for Alexander. He would have preferred not to be reminded of various other institutions, however different this one seemed to be. He had been assured by Nathaniel that he would have his own bed - and even his own room, or a room shared with few others! - but it was hard to really believe. Now that he saw the Common Room though, Alexander was much more convinced. Everything was warm and soft and comfortable and perfect. He could see himself sitting in one of the plushy chairs, shading in a drawing he'd done earlier in the day, or doing homework. It didn't seem scary or threatening. It seemed like it really could be home, just like the professor said. But that was harder to be convinced of the.

Professor Xavier mentioned having a daughter. There were families here. There were siblings and friends and children and spouses. Alexander was used to the idea that these were things in some people's lives and not in others' - like his own - but it was odd seeing that in an institutional context. However, the context also raised other issues for him and they were not ones he particularly wanted others to hear about.

As his classmates, Housemates, and yearmates went off on their own or with others, Alexander went up to Professor Xavier. He nearly tugged on the professor's sleeve for attention but decided that was odd and robes were odd and what were the rules of attention-getting here? No, words would have to do

"Excuse me, sir," Alexander chirped quietly. "Sir, were we meant to bring our own bedding? One of the other students - Nathaniel - said we will have our own beds. I didn't realize that and I didn't bring anything for mine." He stopped short of explaining that he didn't have any sheets of his own, but he'd been punished enough times for not making his state-granted bed properly that he figured it was best to ask now, before it became an issue.
22 Alexander Pierce-Beales This is all for us? [To Professor Xavier] 1475 0 5

Nathan Xavier

December 16, 2019 7:09 PM
Nathan blinked down at the boy asking about bedding. He supposed it was a fair question. It was, in fact, one that he'd wondered about for his own quarters when he first signed on as a groundskeeper here. Usually, though, it wasn't something the students tended to worry about, because for most children, bed came with bedding and they didn't really stop to think about where the bedding came from. This was true for Nathan when he had been in school, and it had been true for the last however many sets of first year Teppenpaws that had passed through since he became Head of Teppenpaw.

"Sonora provides the bedding," he assured this child who did stop to wonder about it. "You may, of course, bring your own if you have favorites that you'll miss, but generally speaking, the prairie elves will provide your space with most of the items you'll need for daily living - sheets, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and so forth - which you can use, supplement, or ignore as you wish. I think toothbrushes are by request only, and there might be a few other things like that, but if you find something is missing, just ask me or an elf, and we can get it for you. Most kids find they've forgotten something when they packed, and this is a boarding school where you live most of the year. We're prepared to supply or resupply most necessities."

"Do you have any other concerns?" The boy had spoken with Nathaniel, so while Nathan was glad the fifth year had taken his new prefect duties seriously and set to answering a first year's questions, Nathaniel . . . might not be in the best position for resolving other people's concerns and being reassuring to new students at this time.
1 Nathan Xavier Absolutely. This is your home away from home. 28 0 5

Alexander Pierce-Beales

December 18, 2019 11:18 AM
Alexander wasn't sure where to begin. Professor Xavier's answer was helpful in that it resolved the question Alexander had asked, but it also raised a ton of new ones, not to mention some emotions he wasn't too happy to be feeling right about now. He moved unconsciously to put his hand on Barnabus. He wasn't sure to whether he should clarify about "prairie elves" - a concept which was foreign to him - or clarify that he could really have whatever of those things he wanted, even if he didn't have any of his own to bring. His own shampoo bottle? That seemed like a bit much. Why wouldn't they all just share? Or use the pump kind in the wall, like at the YMCA?

He swallowed hard and nodded his head. He hated to admit weakness - that was breaking the first rule of Survival 101 - but he also thought he'd probably get on better for the next seven years if he was doing at least close to as well as the other students. Plus . . . if it was free . .

"I'd like all of those things," he said, his voice coming out much more quietly than he'd meant it too. Whatever else he thought about survival, he was also embarrassed. That alone made him decide it wasn't the right time to ask about elves, because revealing two weaknesses was just asking for trouble. He'd probably figure it out soon enough anyway. "Thank you, sir. I don't think I have any other questions right now."
22 Alexander Pierce-Beales Just home then. 1475 0 5