OOC: Welcome to Aladren! There's no need to reply to this post. Just hop over to the Aladren board for the Head of House speech, which you should be able to find here. You can also continue your conversations at the Feast and at Orientation thanks to the magic of what we call "fuzzy time" - as long as two threads are supposed to happen at different times in character, you can write them at the same time as an author.
16Grayson WrightFollow me, small Aladrens!113Grayson Wright15
Teppenpaws! You can spread throughout the school, too.
by Nathan Xavier
OOC: Welcome to Teppenpaw! As Gray said to the Aladrens, you don't need to reply to this post, or the speech in the common room, and you may continue to post to the Feast and Orientation for as long as they remain interesting, but you are now free to post in any school location where your student is allowed (so not other common rooms or the prefect and staff lounges).
1Nathan XavierTeppenpaws! You can spread throughout the school, too.2805