Professor Lowrski

September 24, 2012 10:50 PM

Divination Intermediate Lesson by Professor Lowrski

It was already 10.12am, yet the Professor still had not arrived. The students were busy chatting with their friends, or busy trying to finish their homework points for the next class they had after this. After all, it wasn’t their fault the teacher was late.

‘Bang!’ With the sound of the classroom door smashing into the opposite wall, all the students looked up from what they were doing to stare at the heaving, panting sight of Professor Agnieszka Lowrski, who seemed to be coming apart at the seams. Her hair was escaping out of her braid, her shawl was trailing on the floor, her left bootlaces were untied and the large box in her hands was slipping.

“Ouch!” The door, having swung its way into the hard stone wall, took advantage of its momentum and swung back onto the Professor. Luckily, she had a large box in front of her, so she broke nothing. However, she did fall on her back, and the box she was holding was thrown backwards. All the contents flew out, with scraps of paper hitting the ceiling before being thrown towards the floor, and books hitting the floor. One of them was thrown against a lovely vase in an alcove reducing it to pieces.

The Professor sat there stunned, whilst the students swarmed towards her, helping her up, picking up the materials, repairing the vase. One of them kindly helped her to her table, whilst two others carried her box with all the contents they could recover.

“Oh, oh, thank you, students.” She said, a hand to the side of her head. “I am terribly sorry about being late.” Offering no excuses, she continued. “Today we will be learning about a form of divination used by ancient Asians. Cleromancy compromises a large part of your final exam, so please pay close attention.”

She fished around in her box, eventually coming across several pieces of rolled up paper tied with small pieces of string. “Students, this is what is typically called an omikuji, or known as sacred lots. Originally they were used in ancient Japan by Squib priests to attempt to read the future, and find out what fate has for them in the near future. However, nowadays, muggles used them for amusement sake. That does not mean they are useless however!”

She took out a large sheet of paper, slightly wrinkled, and attempted to straighten it out. “This paper depicts the traditional omikuji blessings,
• 大吉 – Dai-kichi - Great blessing
• 中吉 – Chū-kichi - Middle blessing
• 小吉 – Sho-kichi - Small blessing
• 吉 – Kichi - Blessing
• 半吉 – Han-kichi - Half-blessing
• 末吉 – Sue-kichi - Future blessing
• 末小吉 – Sue- shō -kichi - Future small blessing
• 凶 - Kyō - Curse
• 小凶 – Shō-kyō - Small curse
• 半凶 - Han-kyō - Half-curse
• 末凶 - Sue-kyō - Future curse
• 大凶 - Dai-kyō - Great curse
And they are for the general parts of your life. Omikuji will traditionally also have parts that will mention your future luck in obtaining your wishes, relationships, travel, business dealings, studies and illnesses. However, as I assume none of you know how to read Japanese, I made little slips in English for you all. They are not as detailed, and only deal with your general luck and luck in studies though. Both samples are at my table for you to see.”

“Please come down to my desk one by one to pick one. After picking one, please go back to your table with your copy and read the section in your Divination texts that deals with cleromancy, before attempting to write a 200 word essay on the omikuji you have selected and its possible impact in your life for the month.”

Looking down her class list, she read out the first name, ready for the first student to make their way down to her to pick out their lots.
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