'Professor' DiAnna Diaz

January 27, 2012 3:03 PM
Technically, she wasn’t a teacher any more. However, if the current Divinations professor was indisposed for a short amount of time, then DiAnna didn’t really have any objections to stepping in last minute. She could juggle her librarian duties relatively easily with her monitors and assistants, and the past couple of years’ teaching experience helped her to feel at home in the classroom. Admittedly, Increase had made a few changes that made the classroom almost unrecognisable as DiAnna first entered, but she would adapt. “Okay, guys, I’m subbing for Professor Mathers today.” Her dark hair was loose down her back, blending in with the black lace of her robes as she moved to stand in the center of the room, which Increase apparently used to address his students. DiAnna saw the appeal in the booths layout, and the extra privacy might be appreciated for the content of today’s class.

“Today you’ve got a class on dream interpretation. Now, this is such a fuzzy branch of Divinations that lots of people don’t view it with even the same little regard they attribute to more mainline methods -” her voice was light; there was no point in denying the general opinion on the subject she was currently teaching, and at least with an elective class she could be relatively sure that the majority of students present didn’t care for popular opinion, “- but it’s another variant on interpretation, so I’m sure you can all gain something from the experience.” The third years in particular were still relatively new to the subject.

“So the most basic rule of dream interpretation is remembering that not all dreams will be prophetic. If you dreamt about something that occurred last week, then that’s history, not future. Conversely, if you dream about something due to happen next week, it could just mean that this event is on your mind, and not be prophetic at all. There’s no easy way to tell which is which without exploring your dreams.” Hopefully with a few more rules to follow they might be able to be better equipped to make the distinction. “The second basic rule is that you can’t interpret another person’s dream for them. You can help, sure, but often the contents of a dream will be very personal, and usually make a lot more sense to the person who dreamed it. Therefore it’s best to have two people working together, one with a personal insight and one with a more objective opinion. That’s why you’ll be working in pairs today.”

“So take it in turns to explain a recent dream you remember particularly well. You can use the lists of common symbolism in your textbook – page fifty eight - for inspiration, but you might be better served talking the details out between you. The final stage of your assignment is to decide whether the dream could be taken as prophetic, and if so, what it means. If anyone is particularly keen you can go on to decide whether knowing the meaning of your dream will alter your behaviour at all.” DiAnna had always considered that if knowledge was power, successful diviners ought to treat their knowledge with caution. “If anyone needs any help, I’ll be around. Pick your own partners, and try to be sensitive – you’re going to be sharing some very personal information.”

(OOC: You know the rules by now. Good quality and quantity, no godmodding, tag me if you need me.)
0 'Professor' DiAnna Diaz Intermediate Divinations: Dreams (years 3, 4 & 5) 0 'Professor' DiAnna Diaz 1 5