DiAnna Diaz

April 27, 2011 2:59 PM
Theoretically, DiAnna didn't mind subbing in for Professor le Faye, especially as she had graduated with a Divinations major only last summer. The information was still pretty fresh, and DiAnna had been relatively skilled in her specified area; she essentially had no qualms about imparting her knowledge to Sonora's students. She'd read Aerin's notes and set up the class without a problem. It wasn't until just before the class, when students could start arriving any momemnt, that DiAnna began to feel this wasn't such a good idea at all. Her stomach was filling with butterflies, and her face might have appeared pale if she hadn't already masked it in her usual fashion with white powder. Too late to back out now.

DiAnna stood at the front of the classroom while the third, fourth and fifth year students found their seats. She managed to convinced herself they were only giving her quizzical looks because she had replaced their usual professor, and not because of her full-length black taffeta dress and lace fingerless gloves. Thankfully, she recognized many of the faces as belonging to students who had passed through the library, and her nerves began to settle. When it looked as though everyone was there, DiAnna cleared her throat to draw the students' attention. "Hello, everyone. I'm DiAnna Diaz, I'll be taking the class today in Professor le Faye's place." Her voice was quieter than she'd have liked, but she thought she was loud enough to be heard even by those in the back as long as they were paying attention. "I graduated from Sapienti University of Magic with a major in Divination, so don't worry, I do know what I'm talking about."

As she started to relax, DiAnna's voice naturally increased in volume and she absent-mindedly shifted her weight from foot to foot while she talked to the intermediate students. "So the biggest hurdle with Divination is Interpretation. Whatever you do, even if you have genuine Sight, everything you divine is open to interpretation. Take tea leaves - what might look like a star to you could be a pinwheel to someone else. And with runes - do you take Jera to mean success in your endeavours or that you'll have to wait twelve months?" She wasn't sure they'd covered runes, actually, but it didn't matter, the point she made was still the same.

"So, basically there are two parts to interpretation. You should be writing this down." She had no intention of writing on a chalkboard like her Muggle teachers had done in elementary school, so the students would have to take notes from her lecture. "The first stage is to interpret something on its own. Is it a flower, or a bee? Does it look the same from all angles? that sort of thing. Much easier with specified signs like runes, constellations and tarot cards, much harder with scrying - that's tea leaves - reading smoke, that sort of thing. The second step is to interpret each individual item into a wider picture, and that's the basis of your reading or prediction." Elementary, really, but one of those things she needed to point out before the students got to work, just so they were clear.

"Today you'll be working on interpretations. In each packet here," she drew their attention to several brown envelopes that had been concealed behind her person until this point, "there are a selection of pictures, ink casts, rune patterns, tarot sets, all sorts. Your task for today is to work in pairs or small groups and work through your packet discussing possible interpretations to each set. Remember to go through both stages, because you can get some really different answers. It's really important that you practise interpretation, otherwise you could miss something really crucial in a reading, that includes any reading in your exam." She didn't want to scare them, she wasn't their professor, but as someone who'd been there and done that she wanted to make sure these students were well prepared.

"Okay, if anyone has any questions you can come and find me, otherwise pick your partner and a packet and let's get to work. I'll be walking round and stopping to chat to see how you're getting on."

(OOC: usual site posting rules apply. Tag me if you need me.)
0 DiAnna Diaz Intermediate Divination: Interpretation (3rd - 5th years) 0 DiAnna Diaz 1 5