Professor le Faye

November 25, 2010 11:37 PM

Your future is spread in front of you {Advanced Divinations} by Professor le Faye

Aerin le Faye awoke that morning in a tumble of black and yellow sheets on the floor of her new room. She had been dreaming a very vivid dream of rolling down a hill and had rolled right off her bed. Grunting and rubbing her back, Aerin groggily looked up at the clock on her night stand. “Oh, Merlin it’s late!” She jumped up, threw the tangled sheets onto her bed, and ran to her dresser to get dressed. Grabbing her favorite black tank top and matching tulip skirt, she dressed as fast as possible so she had time to fix her bandana. Today, she donned a purple sash around her short, black curls and finished with a pair of matching hoop earrings. Looking herself in the eyes in the mirror, Aerin gave a confident smile and strode off to her classroom.

Pleased that she had gotten up early enough to have at least a minute in her room by herself, Aerin gazed at her surroundings and groaned. It still looked like a lame classroom. “Well, I can change that easily…” she said under her breath. “Creo Bellus!” Aerin’s spell sent long streams of silk to hang from every rafter, and all the desks to sparkle a gorgeous midnight blue. “Ahh, much better!” Aerin grinned. Now this looked more like a classroom that belonged to her. Professor le Faye! Still grinning to herself, Aerin stood behind her own desk and crossed her arms as her students filed in.

“Good morning, students!” Aerin beamed from behind her already chaotic desk. “Welcome to what I hope will eventually be your favorite class.” She grinned and gracefully strode out to stand in front of the class. “Today I shall aid you on the beginning of your quest to understand the stars and gaze into your future!” Playing with her large, purple hoop earring, she turned her back to the students and dug a small, red satin bag from the pile. "I will show you my personal favorite type of Divination.” She walked over to the student at the front of the room’s desk, and gently poured the contents of her bag in front of them. “Today you shall learn how to cast runes with a five rune spread!”

Grinning at the student in front of her, she said, “I hope you don’t mind if I use you as an example?” She took a satin handkerchief out of her pocket and gently placed it on the desk in front of her. “Now to begin, your cloth’s four corners must face North, South, East, and West, which you can always find by the points on the walls.” She gestured to the arrows nailed to each correspond wall, the North arrow being a bright red. “Ok, next you gently roll the runes onto the cloth and make sure they are all facedown.” She tossed the runes and flipped the three that landed face up. “Alright, can everyone see? If you can’t please come stand around this desk so you can, this is very important. Third, you mix the runes around with your right hand. Make sure to visualize your energy feeding into them.”

“Alright, once you feel they are good and mixed, raise your hand above the runes and slowly sweep your hand across them, like so.” Aerin closed her eyes and swept her hand across the runes in a circular path. Feeling the energy coming strong from one rune, she stopped her sweeping motion and moved it a little away from the rest. Opening her eyes, she said, “Once you feel the pull from a rune, you may pull it away from the bunch, but don’t flip it over. This rune will represent the Past.” She closed her eyes again and continued her sweep until she had put aside four more runes, placing the second and third runes in a row after the original, and the fourth and fifth above and bellow the middle rune. “The second rune represents the present, the third the future. The rune on top is the rune of assistance, and the bottom is the rune of obstacles.”

Gently turning all the runes over, she said, “Now if any runes are upside down, leave them be. This means the opposite of what ever the rune says is true.” She smiled down at the student who’s future she had been casting. “Alright, let’s see if you can read this.” With a swish of her wand, little bags of runes and books that read “The Casting and Reading of Runes“ appeared on all of the desks. “Alright everyone pair up! Let’s see if you can do a successful casting!”

OOC: Okey dokey!! Standard posting rules apply. Be nice to each other, try not to blow each other up, yada yada yada…oh and if you’re going to actually attempt to do a reading, please try to avoid anything to terribly horrifying of a result: death, mutilation by werewolf, etc. Whoever wants to be the student used as the example, you can decide what the runes ended up being. Click here for a site that will help you decode your future! Have fun and happy posting!
0 Professor le Faye Your future is spread in front of you {Advanced Divinations} 0 Professor le Faye 1 5