Professor I. Linn

June 12, 2010 12:57 PM
Hoping that a teaching career might make Ichabod Linn less socially inept was a joke. He still dodged people just as he had done at his other jobs and he still spent more time messing around with his Tarot Cards and books than he did talking to people. Midterm had been a good break from being thrust into the social limelight during every lesson and through some meals at the staff table, but just barely. Linn would’ve been a happier guy if his girlfriend hadn’t decided to drag him off to visit her stuck-up family, none of whom were the least bit impressed with the Divinations enthusiast. They only regarded him with some respect when Penelope told them how he was now a professor at Sonora. Even if the subject was laughable in their eyes, Sonora was renowned enough to keep their lips tight.

But that was all said and done and behind him. Linn didn’t focus on the past – one could waste their life away watching memories. No, he focused on the present and, of course, the future. His future had held a few lesson options for his Advanced Class he was having that day, too soon after break than he would have liked. Nevertheless, he was quick to make a decision based off of what he had Seen and had everything figured out well before students started to file into the classroom. After much mental preparation and a lot of black tea consumed to ease his nervous jitters (he was sure those first few classes were the only times he’d ever be anything close to sure of himself in front of a crowd), he stood and came up in front of his desk.

“Welcome back from Midterm,” Linn greeted in amiably. “Your first lesson after break is something I find to be useful even for someone who has no interests in Divinations. Actually, a lot of people do this without thinking much of what they’re doing.”

With a swift wave of his wand, an assortment of objects popped out from random places all over the room – some from the ceiling, some from his desk drawers, and even some from the ground – and randomly placed onto the desks of the students. There were three seemingly random muggle and magical items on each desk in the room, all of different age and price values. “Today’s lesson will be Psychometry, or rather Object Reading. The purpose of this Divination Art is to see, watch, and perceive an object and gathering its history. The same way ghosts haunt homes they have a connection with, haunting through objects ghosts have a connection to and likewise curses isn’t unheard of.”

“Today’s lesson is for each of you to choose one of the objects presented and to give a report on what you gather from it. Include information like how many owners you think it has had, what types of owners, what the owners connection to it was, things along those lines. The stronger the magic you sense from your object, the more likely it had a close meaning to a wizard or a witch.”

“Turn your paper in at the end of class, and as always feel free to share and check your partner’s results. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask. Otherwise, you may begin.”

OOC: The objects are up to you, as well as what you come up with to go along with them. We’re all about supporting creativity in these classes – that and working in partners, but you all should know that by now. Otherwise, happy posting!
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