Professor Ichabod Linn

May 01, 2010 6:21 PM
The first lesson of Divination had gone smoothly, but it could’ve been better. Ichabod Linn felt that the results he got were astounding, but he was disappointed with how literal some of his students were. Maybe a lesson in symbolism would have been a good idea before hand, not that there was anything he could do about that now. It’s not like he was disheartened anyway, he was thrilled to see some of the results he got. It made him feel better about following his Sight and doing something he never thought he would do: teach.

With the older ‘advanced’ students coming into the foggy purple room and taking their seats, Linn smoother out his lilac robes and took his cue. He got up from his table and circled around to stand in the front and get the class’ attention. At least, get the attention of the people he Saw cared for it. “Welcome, class, to Advanced Divinations. By taking this controversial course, I hope to enlighten all of you to the methods used to determine certain events of the future. I hope everyone will give these lessons an honest effort and look past any preconceptions of the subject or any techniques regarding it. You only get as much out of this subject as you put into it.”

He stepped forward a bit, trying to gauge how people were feeling so far. “I’d like to think that Divination is to magic what magic is to muggles – unreal to some, but very real to many. So I’ll stop wasting your time with my introductions and we’ll get started on the first method of Divination you’ll be covering.”

With a flick of his wand, Linn had several foot long, thick candles on amethyst stands drop down into the middle of each table. All of them lit themselves with another flick of his wand and he started to speak again. “Today we will be covering a common type of Divination that is seen on all standardized tests for Divinations: Pyromancy. Pyromancy is predicting future events by reading flames or fire for any familiar objects or symbols, which in themselves indicate something that is likely to happen to yourself or someone who is close to you.”

He tapped on parchment on his desk as he gave instructions. “Each person is to make a list of at least five things they see in the fire.” Extremely generous considering there were hundreds of Sights to be seen in only a minute of fire observation, but it was their first lesson, so mine as well not make it too taxing. “For each object I’d like a note of what you think it means, or rather what you think it’s saying about your future. I highly recommend against using Symbol Books to assist you with giving each object meaning, since I find them to usually be a bunch of hodgepodge since no one thing carries the same meaning for any one person, but if you must refer to it you may.” He smiled at them, glad to be done speaking. He had never talked so much before he came to this school, and it was really hard to get used to. “Any questions, feel free to ask me. Otherwise you may begin.”

OC: You know the drill – 200 words, good spelling/grammar, and have fun with it! Anyone having trouble coming up with things they see in the fire and their meanings can go here.

Anything you want to see is pretty much free game, as well as what it means, so feel free to get pretty creative with it.

The room, for anyone interested, is described at the first post in this room, or save yourself some time and click here.

Happy postings!
0 Professor Ichabod Linn Advanced (Years 6/7) Lesson I: Pyromancy 0 Professor Ichabod Linn 1 5