Portia Dobson

September 20, 2013 1:50 PM
There was one place in all of Sonora that Portia never thought she'd set foot in and that was the Muggle Studies classroom. Even the Quidditch Pitch she'd had to spend time on during flying lessons and the occasional game. She refused to go to the Championships though and have to deal with Nora's excessive house pride. Especially against her own house. Portia was glad, though, that her sister and Evan had made up. There had seemed be some tension between them before. The Teppenpaw didn't like when people in her family were upset or not getting along.

She wasn't entirely sure she was comfortable in this room. It represented Muggles and Portia had no need to know anything about them. There were lots of things she didn't need to know about according to her parents. Though she wasn't usually the one they told that to, but the first year could figure that if they didn't think Nora needed to know about them, they didn't think she needed to know about them either. Her sister didn't even take much interest in them though she didn't seem to object to reading Muggle literature in Book Club. In fact, the sixth year had told Portia that she preferred it to reading controversial magical literature that suggested that the Muggle way of live was in any way superior. Nora claimed that if Muggles wrote something about magic, it was just ignorance because they didn't know any better. Ditto glorifying aspects of their life, which didn't happen because that didn't make a good story. Muggles didn't know how much better others had it. Still, even Nora wasn't dying to know about them-and she was .

Portia tried to ignore all the...Muggle things in this room. They had nothing to do with why she was here-she wouldn't be caught dead taking Muggle Studies and her paternal grandfather- the one who was the mayor of her hometown and not the evil one-had flat out said that no grandchild of his would waste their time learning about Muggles. They lived in an all magical town and that was for a good reason. Wizards and Muggles just didn't mix and those of her status did not mix much with those who weren't. Though she did like Charlie well enough, even though he seemed very...effeminate and fashion conscious. Then again so were her uncle and cousin, and the second year was a lot nicer than either of them. Uncle Oliver basically ignored poor Aunt Jessica now that they had an heir, and her cousin, Oliver II was such a little prat.

Still, Portia had not wanted to hurt Professor Chambers' feelings when she offered her room. She seemed to be such a nice woman despite her ridiculous subject that was a total waste of time. Not to mention that she didn't know that anyone else would offer their room.

There was one advantage to Fashion Club being in this room anyway, and that was the hope that it would drive Carrie O'Malley away, along with the less proper people being around. So far, no luck. The wretched creature seemed to enjoy picking apart others, their suggestions and their very wardrobes. Especially the people who were not members of their social status. She claimed that she knew more about fashion than anyone in the room, including Portia and it annoyed the first year to no end. It had to be making everyone else crazy too and she was terrified that Carrie would drive others away. If it came to it, the first year would throw the other girl out. For now, though, she had her sister there and while Nora was not that big into fashion-her appearance in the club had to be sisterly support or perhaps wanting to know how to dress nicely for her betrothed-she had a sharp tongue perfect for putting Carrie in her place.

She flipped through a bridal magazine as she waited. Portia certainly didn't have a groom picked out, the options in her year were not too great, and with her late birthday, she could only hope for someone good next year. Or she could marry some up-and-coming politician regardless of his age someday. Still, she couldn't help but fantasize about things like the dress and the cake and the decorations. Though by the time she got married that would all be out of style and there would be new stuff. Same with looking at stuff for Evan and Lucille. That wedding was still a few years away so everything now would be out of style then too.

Someone entered the room, and Portia looked up, glad the person was not Carrie. "Hello." The first year greeted them.
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