Isis Carter

May 05, 2017 12:37 AM

Post-midterm schedule (T28) by Isis Carter

As always, let me know of any conflicts so we can make any alterations as quickly as possible.

Week 1: May 19th
Midterm ends
Returning feast
Quidditch game 1 ends

Week 2: May 26th:
Beginners Potions
Intermediate Care of Magical Creatures
Advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts

Week 3: June 2nd
Quidditch game 2
Intermediate Muggle Studies
Advanced Transfigurations

Week 4: June 9th
Beginners Transfigurations
Advanced Potions

Week 5: June 16th
Quidditch game 2 ends
Beginners Herbology
Intermediate Defense Against the Dark Arts

Week 6: June 23rd
Beginners Charms
Intermediate Transfigurations
Advanced Herbology

Week 7: June 30th
Quidditch game 3
Beginners Defense Against the Dark Arts
Intermediate Potions

Week 8: July 7th
Beginners Care of Magical Creatures
Intermediate Herbology
Advanced Charms

Week 9: July 14th
Quidditch game 3 ends
Intermediate Charms
Advanced Care of Magical Creatures

Week 10: July 21st
Midsummer event

Week 11: July 28th
Finish threads

August 4th: Orientation
12 Isis Carter Post-midterm schedule (T28) 31 Isis Carter 1 5

Isis Carter

May 05, 2017 11:18 PM

Additional dates by Isis Carter

July 7th will be the prefects discussion. We will vote on July 14th.
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