Isis Carter

February 16, 2017 10:08 PM

Pre-midterm SA28 schedule! by Isis Carter

Here we go, guys. Let me know ASAP if there's a foreseeable conflict and we need to shift something. As always, if something comes up unexpectedly later, I can just about always fill in. :)

Week 1 (March 3)

Week 2 (March 10)
OF continues

Week 3 (March 17)
HoH speeches
Quidditch sign-ups
Intermediate Care of Magical Creatures
Advanced Muggle Studies

Week 4 (March 24)
Flying lessons
Intermediate Charms
Advanced Transfiguration

Week 5 (March 31)
Quidditch tryouts
Beginners Care of Magical Creatures
Intermediate Defense Against the Dark Arts
Advanced Potions

Week 6 (April 7)
Beginners Charms
Intermediate Potions
Advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts

Week 7 (April 14)
Quidditch rosters due
Beginners Defense Against the Dark Arts
Intermediate Muggle Studies
Advanced Herbology

Week 8 (April 21)
Quidditch Game 1
Beginners Potions
Intermediate Transfiguration

Week 9 (April 28 <3)
Beginners Transfigurations
Intermediate Herbology
Advanced Care of Magical Creatures

Week 10 (May 5)
End match 1
Beginners Herbology
Advanced Charms

Week 11 (May 12)
12 Isis Carter Pre-midterm SA28 schedule! 31 Isis Carter 1 5


March 02, 2017 11:29 AM

May 5 by Nathan

May 5 is my daughter's birthday. Can I switch that Beginners Herbology for another week?
1 Nathan May 5 28 Nathan 0 5

Headmaster Brockert

March 10, 2017 3:33 PM

Re: May 5 by Headmaster Brockert

11 Headmaster Brockert Re: May 5 6 Headmaster Brockert 0 5


March 15, 2017 9:25 PM

April 21st? by Isis

Want to switch with me and I'll do Beginners Potions that day? That works out better for me anyway because the 21st is opening night of the musical I'm in. Sorry for the delayed response!
12 Isis April 21st? 31 Isis 0 5

Nathan Xavier

March 15, 2017 9:43 PM

sounds good (nm) by Nathan Xavier

1 Nathan Xavier sounds good (nm) 28 Nathan Xavier 0 5