DH Skies

October 09, 2016 5:09 AM
Hi guys,

Hopefully you've seen the discussion (or its summary) in chatzy. The idea of an international fair was pretty popular, and whilst a few people were on, we fleshed it out a bit. If anyone really is unhappy with any of these decisions, please let us know, as obviously the input mostly came from people who happened to be on at a random point.

We will have....

1) 8 booths with up to 6 students running each.
We wanted to make it possible for everyone who wants to participate to do so without stretching too thinly. If ALL booths fill up and people still want to join in, they can.

2) A staff member supervising each booth
IC this is to ensure that students don't carried away with ideas that are unrealistic and offensive. OOC, the duties will include posting a meeting (may or may not require an actual post) and posting the set up of the booth at the fair.

3) There will be at least one country from each continent except Antarctica (The Americas [counted together, as North gives limited scope for very different cultures], Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania), and a maximum of two from one continent.

Please sign up below within the next week to show whether you'd be interested in running a booth. Please indicate if you are 'actively interested' or 'will do if needed.'
13 DH Skies Fair sign ups 26 DH Skies 1 5

Nathan Xavier

October 09, 2016 6:44 PM
IC, Nathan would be willing, but he's adjusting to a new full schedule of classes, so he's unsure about balancing his time commitments. OOC, I am unsure of my time commitments.
1 Nathan Xavier Will Do if Needed! 28 Nathan Xavier 0 5

Sophie O'Malley

October 11, 2016 9:06 PM
12 Sophie O'Malley Definitively interested. (nm) 34 Sophie O'Malley 0 5

Isis Carter

October 11, 2016 9:07 PM
12 Isis Carter Will do it if you're hurting for staff to participate. (nm) 31 Isis Carter 0 5

Professor Perrault

October 14, 2016 4:17 PM
0 Professor Perrault Interested! (nm) 0 Professor Perrault 0 5

Rory Taransay

October 14, 2016 5:25 PM
It sounds like a fun idea! Normally I'd totally be up for it, but as I don't yet know what's going on workwise, am planning some holidays, and don't know exactly when we're planning to hold the fair, I don't want to say a definite yes and then let people down/hold things up. So, count me in if you desperately need people or, if you decide the date before deciding the teachers, I might be able to be of more help!
9 Rory Taransay If needed 33 Rory Taransay 0 5

Edda Eir

October 15, 2016 12:23 AM
She may even cooperate if it's interesting enough instead of her usual tendency to create mischief
7 Edda Eir If needed 36 Edda Eir 0 5

Liam Ammon

October 23, 2016 5:01 PM
5 Liam Ammon Late, but I'm interested (nm) 37 Liam Ammon 0 5