DH Skies

October 06, 2016 4:05 AM

Pre-Midterm Schedule by DH Skies

Big thanks to Isis for writing the majority of the schedule, as both Mortimer and I were swamped this week.

Week 1 (Sept. 23)
Opening Feast

Week 2 (Sept. 30)
OF continues

Week 3 (Oct. 7)
HoH Speeches
Quidditch sign-ups
Intermediate COMC
Advanced Charms

Week 4 (Oct. 14)
Flying lessons
Intermediate Defense
Advanced Transfiguration

Week 5 (Oct. 21)
Beginners Defense
Intermediate Potions
Advanced Herbology
Quidditch tryouts

Week 6 (Oct. 28)
Beginners Potions
Intermediate Herbology

Week 7 (Nov. 4)
Quidditch rosters due
Beginners Defense
Intermediate Muggle Studies

Week 8 (Nov. 11)
Quidditch Game 1
Beginners Transfig
Advanced Potions

Week 9 (Nov. 18)
Beginners Charms
Intermediate Charms
Advanced Care of Magical Creatures

Week 10 (Nov. 25)
Game 1 ends
Beginners Care of Magical Creatures
Intermediate Transfiguration
Advanced Defense

Week 11 (Dec. 2)
13 DH Skies Pre-Midterm Schedule 26 DH Skies 1 5

Isis Carter

October 11, 2016 9:05 PM

Amendments (IMPORTANT) by Isis Carter

I realized reading this back that there's two Beginners Defense lessons scheduled and also one day with two Charms lessons. Sorry about that!

Alfie, if you can go by the first date, which is October 21st, for your Beginners Defense class, that would be great.

Edward, please post Beginners Charms on November 4th (which currently says the second Defense lesson) and just have Intermediate due for November 19th.

Sorry if this is confusing. Let me know if you have any questions!
12 Isis Carter Amendments (IMPORTANT) 31 Isis Carter 0 5