Headmaster Brockert

March 14, 2014 5:15 AM
Considering the plot, where there's a possibility that classes...might not go as normal, the pre-Midterm schedule is the same as last year's but has been posted in order to keep track of dates so we know when Midterm starts. Also given my starting a day late due to falling asleep-which I apologize for again profusely-I gave everything an extra day. Obviously, if the staff isn't around, you won't post classes, unless they are being run by an advance student, ghost or even an elf.

March 8th 9th
Start of Term
Opening Feast

March 16
HoH speeches (Followed by our disappearance)
Flying Lessons
Quidditch Sign Ups

March 23
Beginner Transfiguration
Intermediate COMC

March 30
Quidditch Tryouts
Advance DADA
Beginner Potions

April 6
Advance Potions and Muggle Studies
Intermediate Transfiguration

April 13
Intermediate DADA
Beginner Charms
End Quidditch Tryouts

April 20
Advance Transfiguration
Intermediate Potions
Beginners DADA

April 27
Quidditch Game 1
Advance COMC

May 4
Advance Charms
Beginner COMC

May 11
Quidditch Game 1 Ends
Midterm Begins

Let me know if there are any problems with the schedule.
11 Headmaster Brockert Pre-Midterm Schedule 6 Headmaster Brockert 1 5

Professor Skies

March 16, 2014 5:04 AM

* I thought we'd established in the staffzy that there was going to be a simultaneous post of what would be the first three classes of the term according to the class schedule (beginner charms, intermediate DADA and advanced potions) and that this would happen simultaneously with the 'scene setting' post in the CH. (Although flying class is always posted first OOC it's not the first class they would be attending IC, apparently). As those all need to be happening simultaneously, it might be best if they are sent to you and you can put them up?

* I'm not clear on the relevance of having time-tabled all the classes etc for when we are not here

* At what point are we returning? I would suggest a couple of weeks before Midterm (also we may need to work out what/how we are going to post that)

* If we do have things to post, I think Saturday was the usual day for it cos most people are around over the weekend. I know the Feast was a day late but I don't think we need to push everything else onto a Sunday to maintain the gap, as it will be at the expense of people being free to post

Thanks :-) I imagine it's pretty hard to come up with a schedule when the plot makes it so wobbly.
0 Professor Skies A few queries 26 Professor Skies 0 5

Mortimer Brockert

March 16, 2014 7:39 AM
1. These can be mailed to me and put up on Monday

2.The time-tabled classes are not to be put up, they were just there as time markers so as I knew when to put midterm.

3.This I am honestly not clear on and am open to suggestions.

4.Anything that does need to be put up can be put up on a Saturday, but I would prefer to eliminate a day of midterm rather than one where people actually post.
11 Mortimer Brockert Answers 6 Mortimer Brockert 0 5

Lydia Chambers

March 22, 2014 3:06 AM
The schedule for the term works for me as far as MS goes, but I did have a question for you Headmaster. If I wished to teach a different course than Muggle Studies would I have to submit another staff application for said course or could I simply talk to you about it?
0 Lydia Chambers Looks good, a question though Headmaster 0 Lydia Chambers 0 5

Headmaster Brockert

March 22, 2014 5:47 AM
If it's a brand new person, you might want to do a new app, just to flesh out the character a bit.

However, yes, couldn't be happier than you wanting to take on a (hopefully core?) subject that's much more needed than Muggle Studies!
11 Headmaster Brockert Answer! 6 Headmaster Brockert 0 5

Lydia Chambers

March 22, 2014 12:21 PM
Okay...that makes sense. I would be more than happy to take on one the muchly needed core classes. I could do the DADA class if you wouldn't mind.
0 Lydia Chambers Sounds good 0 Lydia Chambers 0 5

Headmaster Brockert

March 22, 2014 5:29 PM
I wouldn't mind at all.
11 Headmaster Brockert Indeed 6 Headmaster Brockert 0 5

Lydia Chambers

March 22, 2014 9:07 PM
Perfect! I'll check the class schedule and get to work on the lesson.
0 Lydia Chambers perfect! 0 Lydia Chambers 0 5

Headmaster Brockert

March 23, 2014 5:33 PM
Regarding the lesson....you don't have to do anything until after midterm due to the plot. The only reason the schedule is up is so I know when Midterm actually is.

Plot stuff, hopefully mentioned below.
11 Headmaster Brockert Well.... 6 Headmaster Brockert 0 5

Lydia Chambers

March 23, 2014 5:54 PM
I see... Okay. Forgive my confusion here headmaster, but I'm not finding anything on the new plot explaining what's going on. I'm gathering little bits from the posts I've read so far, but I'm still not clear on what's actually happening. I asked in staffzy, but got no reply. Please advise.
0 Lydia Chambers I see... 0 Lydia Chambers 0 5