Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau

September 17, 2013 6:43 PM
Okay everyone, this post has multiple announcements in it that I need to make you all aware of.

First, Amelia is retiring as Coach and Deputy Head due to her real life commitments. I knew eventually she would move on, but now I am in a predicament as to who to replace her as Deputy as well as Head of House for Crotalus. If you feel that you can fulfill the role of Deputy and/or HoH, please email me for us to discuss.

This also leaves the coach position open. Since we have been unable to fill the CoMC or Librarian positions, I do not have hope of filling this position by the new term. With our limited staff, I will most likely cancel Quidditch until a replacement is found. I know Quidditch is important to the site, but there is only so much that I can do and I don't feel it's appropriate to ask Amelia to stay on when she cannot devote the time to it as that is not fair to her to the authors of the players.

The other part of this announcement is that I have decided to step down as Head of this site. I initially returned as staff two years ago at the request of the Head at that time and had no intention of making that a permanent position. However, shortly after accepting the temporary staff position, the Head resigned and a replacement needed to be found. As no one else had been willing to take that role, I stepped in to fill his shoes after much hesitation.

I have devoted my time, energy, and financial resources to this site for the last two years to keep the site afloat. I appreciate everyone who has helped me during this time, but I truly believe that it is time for me to step down. I can no longer devote the time necessary for the site, continue to keep up with side projects, and work on developing my characters all at once due to stress of trying to keep my head above water.

I am willing to stay on as staff (which would fill at least one opened staff position) either as Kiva for CoMC or another staff member for Librarian and assist where I can, so long as someone is willing to take the responsibility of the site from me.

The site is paid until August 2014 (next summer). If none of you as the staff are willing to take over, I will make a formal announcement to the entire site to see if anyone is interested. If no one is willing to run Sonora, I will close the site down in August 2014. It's not what I want to do, but I feel like I am giving you all another year of the site and my time is the least that I can do.

If you are interested in running the site or want to know exactly what it entails, please email me and we will talk it over. If I don’t have a response from anyone by the new term, the formal announcement will be posted on the OOC Board.
0 Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau Announcements 0 Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau 1 5

Amelia Pierce

September 17, 2013 9:55 PM
I would not mind staying on as staff as a Librarian or other non-teaching staff, as that requires less time and attention.

Also, I do already have a paid site that we could host the pages on without advertisements, if we have people willing to Head and staff the site but not willing to put in money to it, but then we wouldn't have the cool sonoramagic.net domain.
1 Amelia Pierce Re: Announcements 20 Amelia Pierce 0 5

Dylan Bailey

September 18, 2013 5:10 AM

First of all...thank you for your wonderful work. Thank you for stepping up like you did and giving us the joy of working with you. And most importantly, thank you for filling up the place I left when my life fell apart.

I can't in any good conscience step up since my time is very limited as everyone has been able to see. It has freed up a bit in the last few weeks but it isn't enough to keep the site afloat.

Whatever happens, I am still here, albeit a little scarce, but still willing to spend my creativity and time with such wonderful authors.

Amelia, same to you, thank you for your time and awesome Quidditch games!!! Good luck with the baby!! And hope to still see you around.
0 Dylan Bailey -tips off hat- 25 Dylan Bailey 0 5

Lydia Chambers

September 18, 2013 11:47 PM
I agree wholeheartedly with Dylan. I too would like to thank you for giving me the chance to write as a member of the staff. It has been soo much fun. I would love to continue doing so. I am happy to fill whatever roll I can as needed. I have already emailed Kiva to discuss a few things with her. I am sad to hear that Amelia is retiring, but I'm glad that she won't be leaving us entirely.
0 Lydia Chambers Agreed 0 Lydia Chambers 0 5

Florence Olivers

September 19, 2013 12:06 PM
Thank you for all you've done for this site as Head, Kiva, and same to you Amelia as Deputy. I joined very recently, but I can see that it's a lot of responsibility and I've been glad to be a part of the staff as well. I'm doubly glad to hear that we won't be losing both of you completely. I'd be happy to also fill in wherever is needed. Florence could fill in for Quidditch coach, but I also have RL commitments that would make it a little more difficult for me to take on anything else.
0 Florence Olivers Re: Agreed 27 Florence Olivers 0 5


September 19, 2013 7:12 PM
We did receive an interest in someone taking the site for me. I'll give an announcement once everything is settled.
0 Kiva Update 0 Kiva 0 5