Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau

December 01, 2012 12:20 AM
I’m sure all of you are wondering who are the winners of the lovely voting, but I wanted to make sure you all read through the plot ideas first.

First Competition: The Haunted School. Headed by: Florence and ?? (she would like help on this, so hopefully someone will step up – I know DiAnna offered). Set for: Beginning of the school year. (this will take place about 3 weeks OOC after the start of term, but roughly Halloween time for the school year and last a couple of weeks OOC like Quidditch). I’d say, start your planning now so that it can be ready in the first couple of weeks of January. DiAnna had the idea of making the competition into different sections, the teams have to complete a mission in each section before continuing. These challenges can be like facing your worst fear (boggart) or something. Ideas are welcome!

Second Competition: The Obstacle Course (Quidditch Pitch). Headed by: Amelia and ?? Set for: Just after Midterm. This will also be 2 weeks length OOC. I figured there are a couple of different ways that we could have this go. One way is to have them all go through the obstacle course together and work out how to handle whatever challenge in there together. Another way is to have them all go separate ways and then the first group to have all their members complete the course wins the competition. Or, have them choose a member to go through the course and maybe have another member flying overhead to give them helpful hints (sort of like having the blindfolded partner and the other one has to lead them by giving them directions game). Or, any other way you guys might think of that the majority of us agree on.

Third Competition: This one would be the Intellectual Challenge. Headed by: ??? I was thinking of a Jeopardy/Family Feud sort of challenge. The teams are given categories and from those categories, they are given questions. They work as a team to come up with the answer and if it’s right, they get points. Of course, we have to make sure authors are being true and getting some answers wrong, but that is something that we can deal with at a later time.

So, the winning team of the will get recognition at the ball. Amelia suggested maybe giving them small medals or trophies as something physical for their accomplishments and DiAnna suggested giving them a head table at the ball and maybe giving them the first dance? (instead of Prefects/Heads or with them?). How does that sound to everyone?

DiAnna also brought up a good point about classes for next term. Because we’re doing such a large plot for the term, it may be best to either only limit the classes to a small number so that the authors aren’t overwhelmed or not have any classes (classes would still be going on IC, but we wouldn’t actually post any) so that the authors only have to focus on the competitions and personal plots. What do you guys think? You’re the teachers and the students, so I’d like your opinion on this. This also may go for Quidditch. Do you feel Quidditch might be too much?

As for the groups, I’ll have to work out the number of members (DiAnna mentioned 6 members per group, but with roughly 106 students – this is working off a starting number of 12 for the incoming first years – that would be around 17 groups). But I do want to split the groups up by level so that there is an Advance member, Intermediate level (multiple of these as this is the largest group of students), and a Beginner level within each group. I’ll let you know in a couple of days how that goes and what you think of the list. I'll be keeping in mind Selina's idea of maybe grouping some people together that are friends so that there are some variances of who are grouped together but that people aren't left out or feeling alienated and authors will still want to post. Unfortunately, this does not mean that everyone will be able to be with their friends, but I'll do my best.

Okay, now onto the winners of the votes:

Head Boy Ballot:

David Wilkes and Ryan O’Malley

Head Girl Ballot:

Sara Raines, Eliza Bennett, and Kate Bauer


Aladren – Nora Dobson
Teppenpaw – Laurie Stratford
Crotalus – Paul Bennett
Pecari – Mellie Goodwin

I’ll be putting up the ballot shortly to give people time to vote before the bonfire.
0 Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau Plots and Voting Winners 0 Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau 1 5

Dylan Bailey

December 01, 2012 4:22 PM
1) If Adrian is still here I think he cold help Amelia with the obstacle course.

2) I agree with DiAnna on that account. We could limit the classes so the students could focus on the plot. That way students and staffies don't get overwhelmed.

3) On the prizes account I think giving them medals and like a basket of goodies sounds better for the children than a dance or table. Or the group that wins can be exempted from finals (with the exception of cat and rats students).

4) on the groups I think mixing the years sounds like a very good idea. That way no group will be in disadvantage.

That is all

Okay no....ps. If Sara wins HG and Laurie Prefect (which he apparently did! Thanks!) Preston will surely have a coronary! Hahahaa so much fun.
0 Dylan Bailey My input 25 Dylan Bailey 0 5

Amelia Pierce

December 02, 2012 2:07 PM
Obstacle Course: I kind of like the idea of the groups working as a whole to get through it and passing the finish line as a team; this may take the form of one of them on a broom giving the rest advice on how to proceed or what's coming up (this one would not be able to directly help lift them over obstacles or anything but would serve more as an overseer or supervising team captain), but if they all want to be on the ground getting through it they can.

Prizes: Judging by some prefect/Head posts over the years, starting off the first dance is as much punishment as reward and may not serve as the greatest incentive for some students. But if we do go that route (possibly as an optional privilege to the winning team), I'd say they should do so with the prefects and Heads rather than instead of.

Classes/Quidditch: I think classes should still be held (potentially at a slightly reduced volume, but still one or two new ones every week) but Quidditch may be too much. Many authors involved in Quidditch matches focus on that to the exclusion of other posting. Amelia can be involved to a lesser extent as support to the other two competitions as well as the Obstacle course to make up for not having games, and fill in as a sub as necessary. Practices and try-outs can still occur, so they can all stay in practice, but since there are three competitions, and normally three games, it seems to make that be an easy substitution. The only thing I feel bad about there is that it will be Kate Bauer's only year as Captain.

Groups: I agree they should have a fair distribution of older and younger students. Six might be a little unwieldy, but I'm fine with groups in the 4-6 range.
1 Amelia Pierce Remarks 20 Amelia Pierce 0 5

Seth Brockert

December 06, 2012 6:10 PM
Maybe like each team could have a captain and Kate could be the Captain of hers?
11 Seth Brockert In regards to Kate.. 377 Seth Brockert 0 5

Florence Olivers

December 06, 2012 8:17 PM
First Competition: In regards to the haunted house, I love the idea of having different sections. We could use elements from a fun house (like the room of mirrors and such) and twist them to make it especially frightening or something. Also, I'm going to have to do all of the planning in between now and Dec. 27. I'm going to be doing a lot of traveling from then until the summer, so I won't have too much time to plan out the competion.

Second Competition: Teamwork is the best, I think. I like the idea of having one "captain" that they can choose who can parse out the responsibilities according to the individual's strengths in the obstacle course.

Third Competition: I like the idea of Jeopardy a lot.

Prizes: Giving them some physical prize would be a great incentive for the students, but I don't think giving them the first dance would be as motivating. Depending on the students, of course.
0 Florence Olivers My opinions 27 Florence Olivers 0 5

DiAnna Diaz

December 13, 2012 9:19 AM
I'm happy to help Florence with the first competition. We can begin writing it straight away so it's ready to go up at the start of term.

Second and third competitions sound ideal - a good mix of activities to suit a range of character personalities. I agree that picking a leader for each team could be fun - nothing like a bit of rivalry for character development; would the team 'captains' be elected by team members or by staff though?

As for classes, I like Dylan's suggestion of just one of each class per group over the course of the year. I think giving Quidditch a miss for a year would be fine for most authors, considering how tricky several of them have found it to post at recent games... the aladren/tepp match being an obvious exception. Madness.
0 DiAnna Diaz Comments etc. 0 DiAnna Diaz 0 5

Alex O'Rourke

December 13, 2012 11:16 AM
Just to put this on the record, I can head up the third competition. I'll be compiling a list of questions over the term, and if anyone thinks of something good, feel free to post it. I imagine I'll need quite a few, so any help would be happily accepted.

I agree that some may not find having a special dance that rewarding, so a trophy or medal would be a more appropriate option, I think.

I also think that a lesser class load and a Quidditch free year would make for more competition posts.

Congratulations to all the new prefects and to the tba head students.
0 Alex O'Rourke Two cents 0 Alex O'Rourke 0 5


December 13, 2012 6:15 PM
I also like the idea of fewer classes and no Quidditch. I don't think it'll kill people to have a year without it. For the ultra competitive types, well, they still have these competitions.
11 Seth Suggestions 377 Seth 0 5