
August 22, 2012 8:52 PM
Hey Everyone,

Here is the schedule for lessons Pre-Midterm. Let me know if there are any conflicts that you may have. Also remember that if it ends up being that you can’t put up a lesson, please go into the Chatzy and ask for a sub.

I also believe that we have lost our CoMC professor and our Astronomy professor. I will sub the CoMC lessons (unless someone else wants to) and I have removed Astronomy from the list for the moment. We are missing Transfiguration, but Regal has agreed to sub those lessons until a replacement is found.

Schedule Pre-Midterm

August 17th – START OF TERM
Opening Feast

August 24th
HoH Speeches
Flying Lessons
Quidditch Signups

August 31st
Intermediate Lesson - Charms
Beginner Lesson - Potions

September 7th
Quidditch Tryouts
Advance Lesson - CoMC
Beginner Lesson - Transfiguration

September 14th
Advance Lesson – Muggle Studies and Charms
Intermediate Lesson – DADA and Divinations

September 21st
End Quidditch Tryouts
Intermediate Lesson - Potions
Beginner Lesson - CoMC

September 28th
Advance Lesson – DADA
Intermediate Lesson - Transfiguration
Beginner Lesson - Charms

October 5th
Quidditch Game 1
Advance Lesson – Potions and Divinations
Intermediate Lesson – CoMC and Muggle Studies

October 12th
Advance Lesson -Transfiguration
Beginner Lesson - DADA

October 19th – Midterm
Quidditch Game 1 Ends
0 Kiva Schedule Pre-Midterm 0 Kiva 1 5

Agnieszka Lowrski

August 24, 2012 7:19 AM
Ok, I can make it for Sep 14 and Oct 5.

However, can someone tell me which years take intermediate and which take advanced?

Also, recently my browser seems to be okay, so I should be able to post punctually.

0 Agnieszka Lowrski I'm fine with the schedule 0 Agnieszka Lowrski 0 5


August 24, 2012 7:01 PM
For intermediate - the years are 3rd - 5th
For Advance - the years are 6th - 7th

I'm glad that you are okay with the schedule and that the browser you use is actually working. For some reason, Chrome has been crashing with disapps, so if you use Chrome, don't be surprised by that and just switch to Firefox or IE.
0 Kiva Answers 0 Kiva 0 5

Florence Olivers

August 26, 2012 1:18 PM
How do the points work for classes? Basically how many should we give each student who posts?
0 Florence Olivers Question 27 Florence Olivers 0 5

Dylan B.

August 27, 2012 2:48 AM
Basically....the first post has a range of 0 to 5 depending of the quality of the post and that the authors follows the rules. Then the subsequent posts are worth 1 point.

Hope it helped!
0 Dylan B. Hope this helps! 0 Dylan B. 0 5

Florence Olivers

August 29, 2012 1:21 PM
And we can give extra points for long, detailed posts?
0 Florence Olivers P.S. 27 Florence Olivers 0 5

Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau

August 29, 2012 6:45 PM
At least, I always did. Everyone grades a little differently, they just use the 0-5 scale as a basis to start from. But I always gave extra points for posts that were really detailed and creative.
0 Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau Yes 0 Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau 0 5

Jeremy Reddington

September 12, 2012 4:45 AM
Just had a thought that I could combine Muggle Studies with COMC just this one time for the Advanced class.

For their project, the students are to travel by Muggle means across Scotland following a series of clues given to them. The first step will be to collect their muggle item that will tell them where they will find the creature that they must bring back or collect evidence of it.

Their report will be concise made up of how they managed the transportation issues and what means they travelled by, how they found paying in muggle currency, and how they managed searching for their animals without looking suspicious.

They will only be allowed to use their wands when they have completed their project (eg to transport/trap their animal). Any student found using their wand before the end, will receive points deducted from their final scores, which will be made up of how they handled each segment of their project.

*In cases of emergencies the wand can be used to send out a warning beacon prior to using it.*

A little bit like the Amazing Race... is this good?
0 Jeremy Reddington Re: Answers 0 Jeremy Reddington 0 5

Jeremy Reddington

September 12, 2012 4:53 AM

*facepalms* Scotland? I....
0 Jeremy Reddington Re: Answers 0 Jeremy Reddington 0 5


September 12, 2012 8:37 PM
This is posted in chatzy too:

I'll post this in the lounge too, but in case you pop in here first, Jeremy - exactly how long would this take place? It seems like this is a final project sort of thing that would take a long time to complete as well as expensive. If its a mini sort of adventure around Arizona and more structured (with adults to escort), then it is something that Kiva will likely agree on. They would need permissions from their parents though.

just let me know the details and see if any staff would like to help out (include Adrian too since he's the CoMC sub).
0 Kiva Hm... 0 Kiva 0 5

Jeremy Reddington

September 13, 2012 7:24 AM
When I realised the mistake I wanted to hide, but I'm glad that the idea behind it was a good one. It was a way to combine Comc and Muggle Studies. Making the students find their missing creatures by the use of muggle resources. Putting theory into practise and using the resources correctly.

Although is this too simple for Advanced studies?

Of course, when I instantly slapped my forehead reminding myself that we are in the state of Arizona, students trekking across the countryside isn't a safe idea at all.

Perhaps, they could conduct this on the grounds of the Academy?
0 Jeremy Reddington Thanks 0 Jeremy Reddington 0 5


September 13, 2012 10:29 PM
I don’t really think it’s too simple. A scavenger hunt of this nature seems relatively difficult for younger students, but I suppose it’s all in how you play it out.

The school has allowed for field trips outside of Arizona before (we have the flying horse ranch, the dragon ranch, Tumbleweed, and the hotel as proof), so it’s not unheard of for a professor to take a weekend and do class projects with the students. But, if you wanted to keep it more low-key, we do have the Mirage Chamber that turns into anything that you want it to and is interactive. I’m not exactly sure if you can ride things in it though…
0 Kiva Welcome. 0 Kiva 0 5