I tallied all the emails and below are the new Prefects for next year: Aladren: James Owen Teppenpaw: Kate Bauer Crotalus: Eliza Bennett Pecari: Sara Raines
The three top girls that were voted for Head Girl are: Rachel Bauer Dulce Garcia Nina Brockert
I will be putting up the voting ballot next week so that there is plenty of time to get the votes for the announcement come the Fair.
Also, we only have six applications for students at the moment. I’ve been advertising and have reached out to former RP writers for help (some of them are applying), but it’s not enough. We need at least 20 decent applications in order to really be able to have another term. Please, please, please advertise.
0Headmistress KijewskiNew Prefects and Head Girls Listed0Headmistress Kijewski15