Sadi Powell

September 05, 2011 9:23 AM

Staff meeting summary by Sadi Powell

Sorry for the delay for this, folks. To the point, then. Now all the final votes have come in, the names on the Head Boy ballot are Edmond Carey and Jose Hernandez, and girls are Marissa Stephenson and Tawny Brockert. I'll get that form set up soon. The prefects next year will be Samantha Hamilton for Aladren, Jane Carey for Teppenpaw, Sophia Randolph for Pecari and Samuel Bauer for Crotalus.

Plot stuff! Midsummer ball is 16th century themed, costumes are encouraged, students only (no outside dates), medieval banquet, and music provided by CA Pierces.

Going up any day now is the mirage morphing, following Kiva's advanced CoMC class in the Mirage Chamber. She'll write that (ideas we had included trophy wall, scenes from Clurican's life, the founding of Sonora, the events leading to trophies being awarded, etc, old exams and textbooks and uniforms, and anything else mentioned in the thread on this staff lounge - feel free to contribute, there may still be time). Tribble will join the beginners' potions class, written by John, and Clurican will join intermediate divinations. I'll also post Mims in the library to catch the extras (who don't take comc or divinations).

Any comments, questions, etc, feel free to voice them.
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