David Regal

March 19, 2011 7:38 PM

Staff Meeting Summary by David Regal

Thanks to everyone that attended! And for those that couldn't make, here is what we discussed in a lot of less words.

* Chatzy stays

* Extracurricula Program - We stayed with a Plant Club, Dueling Club and Dancing Club. If you have any more suggestions feel free to e-mail them to me. The program is a long-term thing. The Clubs will be gradually introduced. This topic will be discussed, again, durin the next meeting.

* Substitute Pogram - Amelia, Donovan, Lilac and John volunteered to have substitutes for the classes at hand, if they are needed. Thanks. Amelia already started the thread where you should write the info of the substitutes (please state what levels the sub can take). When everyone that voluntereed has entered the info, I will create a page, for easy access. When the Staff can't make a deadline, she/he just needs to post here and ask one of the subs to take his/her place.

I need someone creative to create an icon for the link of the chatzy on the OOC page, any takers?
0 David Regal Staff Meeting Summary 4 David Regal 1 5


March 21, 2011 9:51 AM

Icon Option by Amelia

My input into the pot of options:

133px x 40 is what the other OOC page icons were, so that's what I made this one.

I will not be offended if you pick something else.
0 Amelia Icon Option 0 Amelia 0 5