Sadi Powell

October 18, 2010 3:53 AM

Staff meeting summary by Sadi Powell


Half of us managed to make it to the meeting Sunday, which was much better than Wednesday's turn out, so we were able to have a short meeting. The transcript will be sent your way soon, but for now here is a summary of points discussed.

Prefects: Edmond Carey, Andrew Duell, Marissa Stephenson and Jose Hernandez.

Potential Head Boys on ballot: James, Juri, Quentin & Daniel
Potential Head Girls on ballot: Pippa, Charlie, Adelita & Alison

As Head Boy & Girl could potentially serve 2 years (as there is no year above them) we discussed maybe changing the Head Boy/Girl after the first term, possibly by a vote. We each seemed to have different opinions about this, so no decision was reached. Your input is welcome.

Concert: while people seemed generally to like the talent show idea, RMI is also doing a talent show this year, and it was pointed out this could be repetetive to authors at both sites. To make Sonora's event different, we discussed a talent competition, instead. All students who do not perform are eligible to vote/judge all those who do perform, thus involving all students. There will be 3 winning categories: solo performer, group performer, and overall House winner. Students will vote for the first two, using criteria of talent, showmanship and originality. Staff will decide on the House winner, taking into account non-performer posting, too (audience showing House spirit, etc.) to encourage posting. Performing students can participate in a maximum of 2 acts overall, and only one solo act per person. There will also be at least 2 bake sales - we came up with the idea of a DISCUSS sale run by Amelia and Aaron, countered by a WAIL sale (probably run by certain seventh years), to encourage further posting and debate.

(If you would like further information on WAIL and DISCUSS just let me know).

If anyone has any thoughts or comments to add to this, please do so by e-mail, on the Chatzy, or on the Staff Lounge. Thank you.
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