Headmistress Sadi Powell

August 09, 2010 2:36 AM

Vacancy: Head of Sonora by Headmistress Sadi Powell

Hey everyone

So the time has come for me to step down as Headmistress. Basically I don't have the time to dedicate to the site anymore; when I took it up I was living with my parents and volunteering to fill my time. Now I live with my fiance, am getting married in 2 months, working full-time and back at college part-time. There literally isn't enough time for me to do this anymore.

Also, it's good to have a new Head from time to time, to keep the site fresh and the ideas flowing. So, why am I putting this in a big ol' staff lounge post? Well, normally the site would just pass down to the Deputy, but Rowan Dakin is in a similar situation time-wise, and cannot commit to the site fully enough to be the one running it (though will happily remain as DH if that's what the new Head wants).

My point: is anyone here interested in running the site? I thought it was fairest and most logical to ask staff first before I put a notice on the OOC asking authors more generally. So if you're interested, or just want to know more, get in touch ASAP. Thanks.

(PS - still only 12 students apps, but the term will start on Friday regardless. If you have any time for some last-minute advertising, I urge you to do it now.)
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