Sadi Powell

April 06, 2010 5:00 AM
Hello, everyone! New term is now officially underway. Still waiting on three first years to post, but they are all from known authors so I'm assuming they will post some time soon. Which means zero no-shows! Well done on the advertising front. Only half of our goal of 40 students, but nevermind - applications will remain open for one more week.

As far as the schedule goes, I've done written one up which I'll post as a reply to this entitled 'schedule' so you can just click on that in furture without having to sift through all this drivel incredibly important information. For those of you who are new to the site or need reminding, I carefully plan a schedule of events (classes, Quidditch games, etc) to help the year run smoothly. I would greatly appreciate it if you could all stick to this schedule, and let me know ASAP if there's a deadline you know you can't make. You are, as always, encouarged to write your classes in advance so you don't feel rushed on the day they have to go up.

Staff meeting! Most of the plot will be shoved into the second half of term, so there's no urgency to discuss it with you, but we haven't had a staff meeting in a good long while. Again, for those who are new or need reminding, a staff meeting means we all get together at the same time and place (the staff Chatzy) and discuss things in real time. This can include plots, prefects, that sort of thing.

So, based on what I already know from some of you about available hours and such, how many people would be able to attend a meeting on Sunday 11th April at 8pm GMT (that's 4pm EST, or 9pm BST - if anyone needs other timezones do let me know)? If you can't make that time but would like to suggest an alternative, please go on ahead.

As usual, any thoughts, comments, questions, etc, you know where to send them.
0 Sadi Powell New term, that sort of thing 3 Sadi Powell 1 5

Sadi Powell

April 06, 2010 5:15 AM
Pre-midterm schedule. Check you have the right number of classes: Beginners = years 1&2, Intermediate = years 3&4, Advanced = years 6&7. Remember we have no fifth year. Divinations will be available as an elective to third years and above only.

Heads of Houses, please make sure your speeches go up by the end of the weekend.

Amelia, as soon as all the HoH speeches are up, please post flying lessons ASAP so first years can then attend Quidditch try-outs. I've tried to squeeze two into the start of this year to allow for possible plots after midterm. You also need to make sure all the Quidditch Captains are meeting their deadlines (by OOC messages or however else you see fit).

2nd April – New year starts

9th April – Quidditch sign-up sheets

(11th April HoH speeches)

16th April – First year’s flying lesson, Beginner Transfiguration, Intermediate Divinations, Advanced Potions, Quidditch try-outs

23rd Aril –Beginner CoMC, Intermediate DADA, Advanced Charms

30th April – Quidditch Game One begins, Beginner Potions, Intermediate Transfiguration, Advanced Divination

7th May – Beginner DADA, Intermediate Charms, Advanced CoMC

14th May – Quidditch Game One ends, Quidditch Game Two
begins, Beginner Charms, Intermediate Potions, Advanced Transfiguration

21st May –Intermediate CoMC, Advanced DADA

28th May – Quidditch game Two ends; Midterm begins

4th June –Points in

11th June - Midterm ends; Term resumes

Remember all these dates are Dealines - they are a Friday, which gives authors a good posting opportunity over the weekend. If you have to make it Saturday morning instead that's fine, but if you're unable to make the date I've set please let me know ASAP so I can work something out. I don't want anyone to feel stressed by this schedule. Any questions, please e-mail me.
0 Sadi Powell Schedule 3 Sadi Powell 0 5


April 06, 2010 8:47 AM
I think I can make the meeting at 4pm (EST) on Sunday. I may be a little bit late, but I should be able to be there.
0 Amelia Re: Staff meeting 0 Amelia 0 5

Rowan Dakin

April 06, 2010 12:22 PM
I can make April 11th at 4 no problem. :)
0 Rowan Dakin Staff Meeting 22 Rowan Dakin 0 5


April 06, 2010 1:41 PM
0 McKindy Can make it (nm) 0 McKindy 0 5

Ichabod Linn

April 06, 2010 3:37 PM
I may be a bit late, but nothing more than a few minutes at most. Thanks for the details and making me that much less confused!
0 Ichabod Linn Will Show 0 Ichabod Linn 0 5

John Fawcett

April 07, 2010 12:25 PM
0 John Fawcett Can make the meeting time (nm) 19 John Fawcett 0 5

Cleo Rocamboli

April 07, 2010 10:55 PM
I'll be out of town this weekend, returning on Sunday. I don't know what time I'll be back, so it's iffy whether or not I'll make the staff meeting.
0 Cleo Rocamboli Maybe 0 Cleo Rocamboli 0 5

Janette Wolfe

April 09, 2010 10:03 PM
I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to make it or not, because I don't know if I have anything planned for the day. I'll try my best, but I can't make any promises. I
0 Janette Wolfe Maybe 0 Janette Wolfe 0 5

May Gail

April 11, 2010 1:12 PM
I can make it! You better love me for coming to school on a weekend for computer access :P
0 May Gail Guess what? 0 May Gail 0 5