
July 21, 2009 4:00 PM
Hey everyone

- So, at the staff meeting we voted on prefects for next year. These will be Grayson Wright for Aladren, Lucie Dupree for Teppenpaw, Laurie Cider for Crotalus and Holly Greer for Pecari.

- We also voted for the names to appear on the voting ballots for Head Boy (Jose Santoro and Mateo Santoro) and Head Girl (Helena Layne, Elly Eriksson, Eavan Valentine and Danae Dupree).

- Decisions about Assistant Quidditch captains has been delayed, pending activity during games this year.

- It was decided that during the day of the bonfire, there will be activities for student participation. There will be four different activities, each organised by a small group of prefects. So far we have fun broom races for one activity, and the others are yet to be determined. Suggestions are welcomed and indeed encouraged - ideas that will facilitate a lot of student interaction are particularly welcome.

- Reconsidering dates, to allow time for current activities to be finished off, midterm will start on Saturday 1st August. Please have your points from classes, etc., entered by the end of this week (24th). Thanks.

- We discussed the pro and cons of inviting Rocky Mountain International as a guest school to attend the bonfire event (please read transcript for full details). Yet again, and final decision was not reached. This is something we'll need to sort out fairly soon, so PLEASE VOTE NOW. I insist everyone votes - don't abstain, as this involves everyone. Thanks.

As usual, any questions or comments, send them this way.
0 Sadi Staff meeting summary (ALL READ) 0 Sadi 1 5


July 21, 2009 5:23 PM
Bonfire Activities suggestions (just throwing them out there):
-Water fight with Water balloons and/or water charms
-Obstacle Course
-Scavenger Hunt
-Dueling Tournament (or some tamer equivalent)
-Bertie Botts Eating Contest

I'm for it.
1 Simon Response 14 Simon 0 5


July 21, 2009 7:56 PM
Bonfire Activities:
-water balloon fight, maybe on brooms?
-a modification on Kiva's idea of an egg toss. Maybe a magical penalty for the one who drops the egg? Something like the charms the Weasleys put on the Canary Creams. Maybe incorporate this into a broom race or something?
-obstacle course
-a potions contest? Like instead of beans-in-a-jar, figure out what the potion is? (a la Slughorn?)

all for it.
0 Lorraine Ideas & Vote! 0 Lorraine 0 5


July 25, 2009 3:19 PM
- Potions points are up.

- I'll get back to you on bonfire/Field Day ideas, shall I? *lacks creativity*

- I've no objection to inviting the guest school.
0 John Re: Staff meeting summary (ALL READ) 19 John 0 5


July 27, 2009 4:41 AM
Bonfire Ideas:
I like all of the ones suggested; I haven't any new activities to add to that. I would advise, though, that we may want to limit these activities to two or three, if only to not spread the activity too widely about. I somehow see the success of the bonfire being in the social aspects around the bonfires, and less about the organized items.

I'm completely for the two-school function. I think it's a great idea.
0 Henry Responding; also, points are up. 0 Henry 0 5


July 29, 2009 5:03 PM
... when I get to a hotel with free internet. Maybe Friday.
1 Simon/Danielle Points will be up . . . 14 Simon/Danielle 0 5


July 30, 2009 9:31 AM
what was supposed to be 'excellent wireless' is actually awful. Not to mention that I have to share the internet account with my dad, who is working, and my brother, who doesn't have a phone and therefore must be permanently attached to facebook in order to keep in touch with his girlfriend.

Points will be up as soon as I can, but at this rate that's looking more and more like Sunday evening or afternoon, depending on when we get back.
0 Lorraine I'm in more or less the same situation 0 Lorraine 0 5


July 31, 2009 3:21 PM
... is that the internet here is free. The bad news is that it's in the lobby only, and it's really really slow. So I might get points up tonight, or I might run out of battery first.
1 Simon The good news... 14 Simon 0 5


July 31, 2009 11:57 PM
0 Fox Points are in for lesson (nm) 0 Fox 0 5


August 02, 2009 1:59 PM
Very good choices! Proper decisions.

Suggestion: Who can make the best s'mores? I can see kids making 23567 stacked sandwhiches, using chocolate syrup, or having something go wrong by trying to magic the perfect marshmellow and have explosions. *lame*

RMI: LOVE the idea! :D
0 Stella Voting and responding :) 0 Stella 0 5


August 02, 2009 8:30 PM
Honestly, it doesn't matter to me either way so I didn't say anything. So, I'll go with the majority.
0 Fox My Vote 0 Fox 0 5


August 02, 2009 10:08 PM
I haven't really had the time to think of more activities since the meeting, but once things get started, I'm sure ideas will come flying.

I posted my points on the 24th as you have requested.

My opinion of the 2nd school has not changed since the meeting and isn't going to either.

Sorry to be short and to the point, but I have am barely functional at the moment.
0 Kiva Re: Staff meeting summary (ALL READ) 0 Kiva 0 5


August 09, 2009 6:21 PM
you just got the wholehearted support of two of my three characters with that s'mores idea. XD
0 Lorraine Uh-oh... 0 Lorraine 0 5