Sadi Powell

July 14, 2009 12:12 PM
Monday 20th July, starting at 5pm EST, or 10pm BST.

Let me know either way whether you can make it or not. Thanks.
0 Sadi Powell Staff meeting! 3 Sadi Powell 1 5


July 14, 2009 1:39 PM
1 Simon I'll be there. (nm) 14 Simon 0 5


July 14, 2009 9:22 PM
And probably not even late!
0 Lorraine So there 0 Lorraine 0 5


July 15, 2009 5:12 PM
I'm going to try to make it. I'll probably be there, but in case I'm not it's because of work or my car needing to be inspected. And only work would keep me passed 6pm EST.

For the parent meet and greet, I have no idea where Flatt is and this is mainly her project. I don't know what she wants out of it or how to involve the other authors. So, we might have to scratch it entirely if she's not available for that. I'm definitely not going to be around this weekend due to family events, so hosting it would not be possible for me.
0 Kiva Re: Staff meeting! 0 Kiva 0 5


July 17, 2009 3:15 AM
Flatt hasn't been around for a while and it's not like the author to neglect things, so I'm assuming RL issues are preventing her from getting online.

So if you're happy to take charge of the parent meet and greet, Kiva, then it can probably be postponed til after the weekend. However, if you could get up a post IC (meeting, letter, notices, whatever) so the students/parents know about the event that would be great - before the weekend if at all possible.

If you don't think you can manage it with RL time constraints, we might have to call it off, unless I can find Flatt anywhere.
0 Sadi parents' meet and greet 0 Sadi 0 5


July 17, 2009 8:28 AM
Just found out yesterday that I'm scheduled to work during the meeting so I won't be able to make it.
0 Drake Sorry 0 Drake 0 5


July 17, 2009 9:42 PM
Might have to duck out for half an hour or so around six, but yeah, I'm there.
0 John Should be there. 19 John 0 5


July 18, 2009 12:48 PM
I will only be there for the first forty-five minutes. I have an exam at 6pm that night.
0 Flatt Can only make it for a little bit 0 Flatt 0 5


July 18, 2009 12:50 PM
I'm so sorry about my sudden AWOL status. My brother and I were in a car accident while visiting our parents, and while I'm okay now, things were pretty serious for him for a short while there.

Thankfully, he's okay, and we're both back home. I'll have the invitations up today.
0 Flatt Re: parents' meet and greet 0 Flatt 0 5


July 19, 2009 1:25 AM
I'll be at work at that time so I won't be able to make it. Sorry!
0 Fox Work 0 Fox 0 5