Sadi Powell

July 04, 2009 10:34 AM
A reminder that all classes should now be up, many thanks.

The parents evening is due 17th - is that still an achievable date? If so, Henry or Kiva could you please alert the students IC (by a letter, for example).

Amy, if Quidditch games could go up ASAP so they can be finished by midterm (starting on 24th July) that would be great.

Staff meeting - Monday 20th good for anyone? Or Sunday 26th - these will both be in the afternoon EST, about 4pm. Let me know which your preference would be, or if there's another time or date you'd like to suggest. Thanks.

Any other comments or queries, let me know. That's all, folks!
0 Sadi Powell Midterm approaching! (and staff meeting) 3 Sadi Powell 1 5


July 06, 2009 9:07 AM
I should have that last transfig class up in a day or two.

Parents on the 17th works for me.

Staff Meeting: I should be able to make Monday 20 (I'm still at work at 4pm, but I should still be able to check in and be fully available at 5). Sunday the 26th, I won't be able to make at all. So I prefer the Monday one.

1 Simon/Danielle Commentary 14 Simon/Danielle 0 5


July 06, 2009 10:01 AM
I would be able to make it to the meeting on the 26th. I'm going to Indy for a missions trip from the 18-24...

I will get a Stella post up for anyone who desires a little pep talk etc :)

Staff meeting- 26th please?
Quidditch games- Might be MIA for the last bit.
0 Stella :/ 0 Stella 0 5

Danielle Holland

July 06, 2009 12:33 PM
1 Danielle Holland Transfig is all set (nm) 0 Danielle Holland 0 5


July 06, 2009 10:51 PM
I think the 17th would work just fine. I know that I'm a little slow with responding, but even with the current thread, the 17th should still be maintainable. I'm sure Henry has a better idea of how things will be done.

I work until 4:30pm (EST), so I would be late to the meeting on the 20th because I won't be home until after 5pm (EST). But, other than that, either date would work. I don't believe anything is planned on either of those days.

0 Kiva Comments 0 Kiva 0 5

John Fawcett

July 08, 2009 12:16 PM
As far as I know, I still have nothing concrete planned for the month, so I should be able to make either time. The one issue might be with a Sunday at 4:00; I might have to leave for somewhere between thirty minutes and an hour for family stuff somewhere between 5:00 and 7:00 if it runs that long. Not sure, but it's likely.
0 John Fawcett Response 19 John Fawcett 0 5