Henry Flatt

June 20, 2009 10:58 AM
Okay, congrats to us! The schedule for this term thus far has been moving along swimmingly. Just a quick reminder, though, on what should be posted according to the schedule:

Flying Lessons (back from June 5th, so Amy if you need some help, please pass along the word!)

CoMC Intermediate Lessons (just from Friday, so it's no big concern- Kiva, I know you said your schedule's pretty tight, so if you need something uploaded, please let me know!)

Charms Advanced Lessons (same as for Kiva, Lorraine; if you need some assistance with posting due to time constraints, please let me know.)

Upcoming Excitement:

In four weeks we have Midterm! I know: it's so soon. We also have the first Quidditch match scheduled for posting by next Friday, so Amy, if you foresee any complications, as always, just drop a quick note. Flexibility is Sonora's middle name . . . or something like that.

I imagine Sadi will have a note up here soon regarding another staff meeting for next year's items. In the meantime, though, we have the remainder of the schedule, the last staff meeting items, and the first Quidditch match to look forward to. If there are any issues in the meantime, just leave a quick post or drop an e-mail letting Sadi know.

Don't forget either: Advertise! We've had a few bites on the Faculty applications, but not nearly a healthy enough amount. Spread the word and all that jazz! Bring in the new blood- er, that is, authors. I promise to restrain myself from frightening them off immediately.

Thanks all and fabulous job thus far!

0 Henry Flatt Class and Schedule Reminders 18 Henry Flatt 1 5


June 21, 2009 4:10 PM
Sorry for the delay...we're darting from family events to college visits and interviews right now, and I've not had the time to sit down and write. I'll try and get that up today, but realistically it's actually going to go up late Monday or Tuesday. Sorry about that.
0 Lorraine Yikes 0 Lorraine 0 5


June 21, 2009 4:22 PM
(Couldn't help myself.)

But that's fine. I figured it was something like that- thanks though for keeping me in the loop! Have fun with college visits/family events/interviews, or at least as much as you can have with those!
0 Henry Yikes Stripes Gum!?! 0 Henry 0 5


June 22, 2009 10:53 PM
Both are going up on Wednesday. Got something nasty last week and have been fighting it for a week and finally gave in and went to the doctor today and got some medicine. It's floorset, or otherwise I'd get it up tomorrow. So plan for them both on Wednesday.
0 Fox Lessons and Match 0 Fox 0 5


June 23, 2009 4:52 PM
There's been a lot of that bug going around. My entire office has gone through it (minus me, hurrah!)- so feel better!

0 Henry Awesome- thanks! 0 Henry 0 5


June 23, 2009 5:11 PM
Sorry for the delay in getting mine up. Surprisingly, my life has not slowed down but only sped up, especially after I got sick and ended up in bed with a fever that has now turned into an endless cough (yay!). And things aren't likely to slow down with work and family/friend duties, but I've been slowly working on catching up with all my posts so that I don't hold up anyone.

I will hopefully have my last lesson for this side of midterm up on time. *fingers crossed*
0 Kiva Lessons 0 Kiva 0 5


June 23, 2009 11:29 PM
It's muy okay. Hopefully the sickness will pass soon, though. I don't know what the weather's been like up there for you, but the lack of rain coupled with super heat and massive humidity here has been causing people to drop like flies left and right.
0 Henry Oh lord 0 Henry 0 5


June 24, 2009 2:33 AM
...supposedly I'm allergic to something in my store and thus I am having an allergic reaction to it and it has caused a sinus infection. Whoo. Yay.

And thanks! Hopefully the meds will do their job. :)
0 Fox Well... 0 Fox 0 5