Demeza Eagle

November 06, 2010 9:38 AM

Well this is a pretty board. by Demeza Eagle

Demelza loved her Christmas present she got from her mom and dad! Holes in the box was certainly the lest thing she expected, but it turned out to be the best present ever! She squealed excited as she saw in the bottom corner of the box a pink and white, fluffy pygmy puff. Around the middle (he didn't really have a neck) was a sting tied around, and on that string was a nametag that read Maxwell. And now, Demelza and Maxwell were like peas and carrots.

Except Maxwell kept trying to go on adventures!

Some people would have considered Maxwell's "adventures" as him trying to run away, but Demelza wouldn't even let that thought cross her mind! Demelza felt bad that she had to hide Maxwell because she wasn't sure if he was allowed in the school. She knew that cats and owls were, but she didn't remember seeing anyone with a pygmy puff before! She thought that they should have been allowed (like, seriously, the most dangerous thing Maxwell did was stick his tongue up her nose while she was sleeping, but that, admittedly, was pretty cool because she didn't have to blow her nose for once in the morning). Cats and owls were probably more harmful than these adorable little guys! And soft. Maxwell was sooooo soft!

And Maxwell was also lost. Again.

The Pecari left her pet in her dorm, but apparently one of her roommates had left the door open. She discovered this at lunch time, and, exasperated, she ran in to the common room, searched there, and then ran out of there, continuing to search all around the school, deciding that she would skip her next class to find Maxwell. Maxwell needed her!

When she got to the Cascade hall, she screamed, "Maxwell!" excitedly, seeing that he hadn't gone too far. She ran up to him, but he ran in the opposite direction. "Maxwell, I don't have time for games," she grumbled, and, rolling her green eyes, she continued to chase after him. He was close to the area where house points were kept, and then he slipped himself behind a portrait. "What the--?!" Demelza muttered before glancing around to see that no one was looking. There were a few people around, but she doubted that they would notice her leave. She moved the portrait slightly and found that there was a hole behind it. Adrenaline filling her body, she climbed through it and found the most peculiar place she had ever seen. It looked like an enchanted, open area. But it was scorching hot! Demelza waved a hand in front of her face, fanning it. Then, she remembered that she was looking for Maxwell, but he wasn't far away.

"Maxwell," Demelza weakly said and then scooped him into her arms. He licked her and she giggled, immediately forgiving him. "I was worried, bud--

"Who's that?" Demelza shouted, glancing around. She heard a noise off in the distance, and it disturbed her. She had no idea where she was, or if she was allowed here. The fourteen-year-old gulped as she waited for the mysterious someone to answer.
0 Demeza Eagle Well this is a pretty board. 0 Demeza Eagle 1 5