Professor K.

April 20, 2008 11:07 PM

Lesson 1 for Sixth and Seveth Years Part 1 by Professor K.

Once everyone was inside the chamber, Kiva climbed in and made her way back to the front. There were so few students that it almost seemed like such an elaborate lesson was a waste of their time, but… she was happy that she was able to do this for them too.

Inside the Mirage was much like how a muggle zoo looked. There were fences surrounding large areas. Some areas were much like the desert that the Mirage Chamber usually resembled while others were grassy plains. Odd looking animals roamed in these spaces. Some might look somewhat familiar, while others completely exotic.

“Alright, let’s move along. Remember, this is just an illusion, none of these animals are real and none of them can hurt you.” Kiva reminded them as she began to move forward through the pathway. “The first animal we’re going to look at is a Demiguise.” Kiva stopped at the first fenced in area where ape looking creatures were standing around eating what looked to be lettuce. Their eyes and hair were black in color, but shone an inner beauty that could be captivating. “These creatures are special because they can go invisible at will. Their silky fur is what is woven together to create invisibility cloaks. They are herbivores’, so they won’t actually try to eat you. Actually, they’re rather peaceful in nature, so they aren’t likely to hurt you either. Let’s move along.” Kiva commanded, moving onto the next creature. These ones were encased behind glass.

“These creatures are called a Runespoor.” The creatures resembled snakes, but they had three heads. “They grow to be between six and seven feet in length and produce eggs through it’s mouth, which actually quite rare.” The orange coloring was rather vivid, but the black banding contrasted nicely against it. “Each head contains an independent brain that serve a different purpose. The right head is the planner, the middle the dreamer, and the left is the critic. The planner decides where they go and what they’ll do next. The dreamer visions will leave them stationary for days on end. The critic, however, hisses continually and has fangs that are extremely venomous. It’s hissing actually annoys the other two heads and usually ends with the critic getting it’s head bitten off. It’s actually rather common.” Kiva informed them before moving onto the next creature.

The next creature resembled that of a rhinoceros and were often mistaken for just that. “This is a Erumpent. They are from Africa and obviously resemble that of a rhinoceros. However, the horn on their head can pierce just about everything and contain a fluid that will explode on impact, destroying what it has hit. It’s because of this that, during mating season, when the males fight for the attention of the female, they often explode. These creatures are on the endangered species list.” Kiva grinned, watching the creatures graze for a moment before she turned to face the students.

“Alright, we’re about to enter the area in which I’ve placed all of the more dangerous creatures. But, before we head off to look at them, does anyone have any questions on the animals we’ve just seen?” She asked, looking around at her class.

OOC: Part 2 will be posted within the next couple of weeks. So, feel free to post here, whether it be with questions or just for observation purposes. Remember the 10 sentences minimum and to use lots of details. Enjoy!
0 Professor K. Lesson 1 for Sixth and Seveth Years Part 1 0 Professor K. 1 5

Mia Kerova

May 04, 2008 11:16 PM

This is bound to be an experience by Mia Kerova

Care of Magical Creatures was one of the question mark classes for Mia in her sixth and seventh year. Everything was harder at this point and she wondered if it was worth taking the harder classes for something she knew she wasn't going to do as a profession. The dangerous animal bit wasn't her scene. However, she found the class really interesting, maybe not in the same way a future veterinarian might, but interesting nonetheless and that's probably what kept her there. It was like an extra class for fun. There weren't essays involved or anything like that. Mia's intrigue heightened when Professor K mentioned the Mirage Chamber. Wow, there was a name from the past. She couldn't wait to go back in. Well, she wouldn't lie. She was a little hesitant at the mention of very dangerous creatures, but it was the Mirage Chamber, which meant they weren't real.

Before they went in, Professor K also mentioned the retreat from last year. That had been an experience and not just because of the labor though caring for the Flying Horses and then getting to ride on the Flying Horses was its own package of wonder. Mia definitely wanted to go again. Another perk of taking this class; Professor K usually had something cool up her sleeve. She was so enthusiastic about what she taught. Mia entered the Mirage Chamber and immediately noticed it looked different than before. It looked something like a zoo this time, but she couldn't even guess at the names of the creatures wandering inside each pen so she just let Professor K explain as they passed by each one she was going to point out.

The Demiguise seemed friendly enough as it sat their eating its chunk of lettuce. When they were told its fur was used for invisibility cloaks, Mia wondered how differently muggles and wizards dealt with taking and using animal fur and such. She knew animal treatment could spark big battles in the muggle world. If it were dangerous to the Demiguise to take its fur, she was sure Professor K would mention that and there would probably be magical animal rights activists protesting invisibility cloaks.

The next animal made Mia's eyes a little sore having to look at the strongly contrasting stripes of color. A three-headed snake called a Runespoor slithered about. Mia did a double take between Professor K and the Runespoor when she so calmly mentioned how common it was for the Dreamer and Planner heads to bite off the Critic head. Couldn't that be dangerous, biting your head off? Even if you had two others?

After Professor K explained the Erumpent, it was almost laughable when she ended with the fact that they were endangered. Okay, laughable wasn't the word. It was sad that part of their way of life had them killing themselves, but it made perfect sense as to why they were endangered and seemed nearly redundant to mention. She was curious to see the Erumpent charge at something, but it looked content at just eating the grass around it. Professor K asked if they had any questions before moving on to the more dangerous creatures. Because obviously exploding Erumpents weren't dangerous enough, she thought to herself jokingly and raised her hand remembering her question from earlier.

"I have a question about the Runespoor." Mia said when she was acknowledged. "Isn't biting off its own head dangerous for the other two? Couldn't it bleed out or something?" If that were the case and biting its own head off was so common, she would expect to find Runespoors on the endangered list next to the Erumpents.
0 Mia Kerova This is bound to be an experience 0 Mia Kerova 0 5

Bella Santoro

May 14, 2008 8:44 PM

Experiences can be quite good. by Bella Santoro

Bella was incredibly excited about being able to go into the Mirage Chamber. She had heard about it, but had never been inside of it. Not even Jake had been priviledged to be able to see inside it. This was a memberable moment in her life. One that she could claim to be all her own. Nothing that she can currently share with any of her siblings. It was a rare moment, so Bella was going to make it last as long as possible.

Crossing the threshold, Bella was stunnded to find a place full of various animals in very different looking habitats. Was this how the chamber always looked? Bella didn't think that it would. This Chamber had once been used to celebrate the house points winners, wasn't it? Certainly most students wouldn't want to spend their special moment with a bunch of animals, right? Or maybe it was a room where a person could make it into whatever she wanted? That would make more sense to her more than anything else. Oh well, she could contemplate all that later.

She walked along the path, following along with everyone else and watching the animals with interest as she had done so. Bella adored animals, that much was true, but she often wondered what their pull was. The Winged Horses from last year had been beautiful and even the Demiguise had this sweet nature about him that called to Bella with his doey eyes and silky fur. But then there were the animals like the Runespoor who's purpose for having three heads escaped Bella, especially since the three heads worked more against one another than helped each other. And then there was the Erumpent that was making itself extinct because it's own horn exploded as a defense mechanism...but was also suicide. Poor things.

They paused when Professor K. asked if there were any questions. Bella squinted through her long bangs to see if anyone did. Apparently the Pecari Prefect did. It seemed like a good question. Bella's dark eyes looked back towards where they had left the habitat of the Runespoor behind. She wondered if the other heads could feel the pain of cutting off the third head. How sad. The Critic was their protector and yet, they turn against it so easily. Some life to have.
0 Bella Santoro Experiences can be quite good. 0 Bella Santoro 0 5