Professor Jacob Carter

November 27, 2009 7:53 PM
Jacob Carter entered his classroom wearing his dark maroon robes and set down his books. He smiled glad that he had time to set up the classroom before. There where tables all over the room with four chairs two on each side. He wrote Duro and Lentesco on the chalkboard before sitting down and watching as the first and second year students filed in.

Once they were all in their seats he stood up and smiled. “Welcome to Transfiguration, I am your Transfiguration Professor, Jacob Carter. You may call me Professor Carter.” He said with a nod of his head. “Now to forewarn you all I will not allow foolish behavior as Transfiguration is a highly dangerous class, one slip up and someone has a third arm. It’s not pretty and I wish to never see anything like that again. Understood?” He waited a minute for a few nods before turning to his book and opening it.

“With Transfiguration you can turn desks into horses.” He said as he tapped his desk and a large black steed appeared where the desk was. “You can turn a horse to a doll.” Once again a doll appeared where the steed had been. “And Back again.” He finished as he tapped the doll and his cherry desk appeared he smiled at the awed faces of his students. “Yet in order to do this we must start small.”

“To begin our time together will be starting we will begin with Duro and Lentesco.” He pointed his wand at the board and in his loopy handwriting by Duro he wrote Hardens objects to stone , and by Lentesco he wrote Makes objects soft .

“Duro will harden an object so its stone while lentesco does the opposite. He picked up an aluminum can he has saved over the summer by drinking soda. They were all white as he had charmed them that color. “Watch closely.” He said as he flicked his wand and then tapped the can three times. “Duro.” The can turned grey and into a hardened stone. “Remember when you cast Duro it’s flick and three taps then the spell, it’s very important.”

He paused until the scribbling has subsided and then he nodded. “Once again watch closely.” He said as he tapped the can twice, and then flicked the wand. “Lentesco.” The can turned from stone to a jelly like can shaped substance. “When you cast Lentesco you first tap the can twice then flick your wand before saying Lentesco.” He waited until the writing had stopped before he sent a two cans to each table.

“You will work in pairs, one will cast Duro the other will cast Lentesco after that you will switch spells.” He said with a nod. “The person sitting next to you is your partner; there will be no switching seats. Everyone is to stay seated until the lesson is over. If you need me please raise your hand and I will be along in a few moments.” With that he nodded and sat down at his desk thankful he could see the whole classroom, if anyone was fooling around he would see it.

OOC: Normal posting length be creative and have fun
0 Professor Jacob Carter Beginner’s transfiguration (1st & 2nd years) 0 Professor Jacob Carter 1 5

Marissa Stephenson

November 28, 2009 11:53 PM
Transfiguration wasn’t quite as bad as Charms, but that was because nothing short of cold-blooded torture was ever going to be quite as bad as Charms for Marissa. Both had a similar tendency to end in quiet failure at best, and in public humiliation at worst. Both had, the year before, driven her to tears more than once. The only difference was that she had a slightly higher grade in Transfiguration, as she understood the theory of it a bit better and had more of a knack for Professor Fawcett’s essays than she had for Professor Taylor’s.

It was a new year, though, and new professors to boot. Marissa still wasn’t sure how good her chances of surviving Professor McKindy was, but from his speech, Professor Carter seemed like her sort of teacher. He was firm, the rules were clear, and he didn’t seem unpleasant.

Now she just had to make sure he didn’t end up totally and completely despising her for life because something went horribly wrong five minutes into their first class session together.

She tried to shake that thought off. This lesson didn’t sound too hard, really. Making things harder or softer had to be easier than completely altering their forms and, sometimes, chemical composition. She could do this. Sure. And she’d have help, assuming the person sitting with her wasn’t even worse at the subject than she was. Since that took some doing, at least on initial attempts, Marissa thought she was fairly safe in that.

“Looks like we’re working together,” she said brightly to the person in the next desk. Since she hadn’t been too bad about blowing things up since, say, the first nine weeks of first year, and had mostly just been unable to make things do much of anything for the rest of it, Marissa doubted she had a reputation as a disaster magnet, but it never hurt to be more cheerful than she felt. “Do you want to start?”
16 Marissa Stephenson Here we go again... 147 Marissa Stephenson 0 5

Tobar Brishen

November 29, 2009 2:57 AM
Tobar had almost been late for Transfiguration and he once he hear Professor Carter’s lecture he had figured that he would be the strictest Professor of them all… so far . He settled down and smiled at the Professor’s display of desk transfiguration. He had seen many transfigurations so he wasn’t all that impressed.

He took notes diligently though, he wanted to prove to his tribe that a school taught wizard was just as good, if not better then the homeschooled ones. He was going to lead the gypsies one day and if things went well here at Sonora all the children would be taught here. Finally they were allowed to begin the turn of cans into stone or Jell-O.

The girl next to him seemed to have a bright personality which was a better step up from Rachel who seemed to always be in a bad mood. “Sure I’ll start, but I’m Tobar by the way.” He said with a smile. He pulled out his wand read over his notes once and then smiled. Hopefully he did this right, if he didn’t there was always next time.

He flicked his wand tapped the can three times and said. “Duro!” From the point where his wand touched the can began to turn grey and harden into stone but it stopped only after covering the very top of the can. He frowned and looked up at his partner. “Alright what did I do wrong?” He asked hoping she would know what was going on.
0 Tobar Brishen going down the only road we've ever known 152 Tobar Brishen 0 5


December 03, 2009 5:33 PM
Tobar. Marissa filed it away, idly wondering if she and David and Andrew were the only people in the Wizarding World with names that would fit in at her old school. She'd thought her name was a bit odd at home, but it was nothing to some of the ones she'd heard here. The only ones that weren't completely unfamiliar were terribly old-fashioned; a Quentin was likely as not to get made fun of, and she'd hate to be an Edmond or a Jethro. Elementary schoolers (and presumably middle schoolers; she'd just never gotten to be a middle schooler to confirm things) were mean.

Of course, if the accent was anything to go by, Tobar was from outside the States. That would explain things nicely. He'd probably think 'Marissa Stephenson' was a weird name. She remembered what Jose's father had said at the parent dinner last year about Sonora being well-respected, and the impression she'd gotten, from reading, that magical schools large enough to warrant the name weren't all that common. International students at a well-respected one made sense.

Bully for subtle cultural education, then. "I'm Marissa," she said, touching her chest slightly and tugging on the drop bead on her flowered necklace for a moment. "Nice meeting you."

She watched, impressed, as he managed to turn the top of the can into what looked, to her, a lot like stone. When he asked what he was doing wrong, she couldn't help but laugh a little. "I'm sorry," she said. "It's're already doing way better than I could. I'm really horrible with a wand." She laid a hand on hers, half-rolling it twice on the desk before she stopped. "I don't think you're doing anything wrong in particular, it's just that it takes time to work up to being able to do much of anything. Almost nobody gets a Transfiguration right on the first try. Some of us don't even make anything happen."
16 Marissa Now far ahead the road has gone 147 Marissa 0 5


December 07, 2009 2:08 AM
Tobar smiled when she introduced herself. “Pretty name, I have a cousin named Marissa I’ve always liked it.” He said with a smile. When she explained that she had no clue what he was doing wrong Tobar’s smile faded and then he shrugged. “Well I’m glad to know almost nobody gets it on the first try.”

He paused reread what he was suppose to be doing once again took his wand in his hand and cast the spell. This time not only the top turned into stone but the whole can. Tobar grinned madly. “Wow, I guess it just took a bit more concentration.” He said happily as he picked up the can and twisted it in his hands to see the finished product.

He set it back down and nodded. “Time for you to make my stone jell-o think you’re up to the task?” He asked with a wide grin. “I’m sure you are better with a want then you say you are.” He hoped that the girl could get more confidence; girls who were confident were girls he got along with. The ones who seemed to doubt everything confused him and he hated it.
0 Tobar Ah yes yes 0 Tobar 0 5


December 09, 2009 7:36 PM
"Thank you," Marissa said, flushing slightly because of the compliment. Apart from one on television, she'd never heard of another Marissa; one of the things that had first drawn her and her Muggle friends together in first grade had been the shared trait of having names that were not often seen where they lived. Briana, whose name was dime-a-dozen and who had spent half her life called 'Briana Three', had only joined them later. "I've never met another Tobar, but it's a nice name, too." She had, however, once known a Tobias, but that wasn't really a story for casual repetition.

She wondered about Tobar as he lost some of his enthusiasm upon hearing that no one really got this straight off. The past year of Sonora had knocked a lot of the arrogance out of her, but once, Marissa had been one of those kids who'd never had any difficulty picking up anything in her life. Finding out that her skills with a book could only take her so far here had been a real blow to her, and she hoped, for his sake, that Tobar didn't have to go through the same sort of thing. The ease with which he turned the can into what appeared to be solid rock on his second try suggested he wouldn't, though.

"That's nice of you," she said, with a trace of amusement, when Tobar assured her that her skill was greater than she thought it was, "but you've never seen me explode whatever I'm supposed to be Charming before." Since that might make him a bit too concerned for his safety, she quickly added, "It's the first lesson of the year, though, so you probably don't have to worry. I'll just not be able to do anything."

That was exactly what happened. She couldn't help but touch her necklace again, but Marissa was able to smile it off in a 'what did I tell you?' sort of good humor. It still never failed to surprise her when she was able to do that, but it was true that she'd had a lot of practice; if she'd kept on getting upset every time things didn't go her way here, she would have gone crazy before the end of her first month. It was also starting to dawn on her that she might just not be as competitive as the rest of her family; while she greatly enjoyed it when she was the best at something, all she felt impelled to do was meet her own standards, which wasn't the same thing. She tried the spell two more times without any result, and it finally reverted back to aluminum on its own.

"I'll be working on this for a week," she said matter-of-factly. "I can try to turn it to stone for you, but you might want to duck this time." She performed the wand movement with her usual precision, enunciating the spell word clearly. "Duro."

To her relief, nothing happened.
16 Marissa So merrily, merrily, and onward we go. 147 Marissa 0 5